NFAI143-H00模拟量模块,YOKOGAWA使用方法高可靠的嵌入式技术 目前嵌入式的高性能CPU在获得更高的处理能力的同时,其体积更小、功耗更低,处理能力、稳定性和可靠性方面有较大的提升,使X86设计单位可以选择通用的标准的嵌入式系统结构进行设计,从而摆脱传统PLC因采用专有的硬件结构体系带来的局限,使系统具备更为丰富的功能前景和开放性。在现有面世的PAC系统中,被广泛采用的是低功耗、高性能的SOC (System On Chip) 核心处理器。这里面既有采用CISC架构的CPU,如Mobile Pentium系列CPU,也有采用RISC架构的CPU,如ARM系列、SHx系列等,当然也有使用MIPS CPU的。综合比较而言,由于RISC CPU在应用于工业控制系统时所具备的综合优势,采用RISC CPU的系统占据了目前市场所供应的控制系统的多数。
可靠的元器件 PC的风扇和硬盘是最常需要维护的元件,而PAC采用无风扇结构以及采用工业级的存储介质能够提供一个可靠性的平台系统。
实时、稳定的操作系统 通用的嵌入式实时操作系统获得了长足的发展,并获得了广泛的应用。传统的美国风河公司的VxWorks、PSOS操作系统在高端领域还是有很高的占有率;另一引人注目的趋势是微软公司的Windows CE在推出.net版本以后,有效解决了硬实时的问题,并以其低廉的价格和广泛的客户群获得了用户的青睐;Embedded XP则是Windows XP的组件版本。采用合适的操作系统,即使在系统蓝屏时依然可以保证底层控制系统的可靠运行。通过采用Embedded XP的SP2的EWF功能,可以有效避免由于系统不确定性重起而带来的影响。作为开放源码的代表,Linux操作系统也推出了其嵌入式版本,并以其在成本、开放性、安全性上面的优势,获得一些特殊应用客户及中小制造商的欢迎。
标准化的编程语言 更为重要的是符合IEC-61131-3标准的软逻辑编程语言的发展,有效的整合了传统PLC在编程技术上的积累,使广大的机电工程师可以在基于PC的系统上使用其熟悉的编程方式实现其控制逻辑。另一方面在PAC系统上,工程师也可以使用高阶语言实现复杂的算法或通讯编程,例如、EVC、VC#、JAVA等。
and the impact on different types of machine tools is different. Generally speaking, the impact on machine tools with weak rigidity is greater. Therefore, for high-precision CNC lathes, collision must be absolutely eliminated. As long as the operator is careful and master certain anti-collision methods, collision can be completely prevented and avoided.
The main reasons for the collision are: first, the diameter and length of the tool are input incorrectly; The second is the input error of the size of the workpiece and other relevant geometric dimensions and the initial position positioning error of the workpiece; Third, the workpiece coordinate system of the machine tool is set incorrectly, or the zero point of the machine tool is reset in the process of processing, and changes occur. Most of the machine tool collisions occur during the rapid movement of the machine tool. At this time, the collision is the most harmful and should be absolutely avoided. Therefore, the operator should pay special attention to the initial stage of program execution and tool replacement of the machine tool. At this time, once the program is edited incorrectly and the diameter and length of the tool are input incorrectly, it is easy to collide. At the end of the program,