以达到与运行盘纸一致的线速度完成搭接动作。 IM163是一个支持Modbus TCP标准协议的从站接口模块,可与支持以太网通讯的CPU(例如:S7-1200系列)主站进行Modbus TCP通讯,IM163自带两个可以进行数据转换的以太网通讯端口,方便在一个系统中使用多个IM163,IM163的后总线支持S7-200标准总线协议,其后最多可接任意7个数字量模块或模拟量模块,每个IM163最大支持扩展128路数字量输入、输出和64路模拟量输入、输出,本体自带8DI、6DO。
At present, the most widely used is the equipment Automation System BMS. At present, the construction equipment automation system in China is implementing open distributed network structure and related protocols. Among the emerging open system products and standards, currently commonly used
field bus
LonWorks and BACnet are widely used in the system. With the wide application of Internet and Intranet, bas has developed into an internal and external open network integration system. In short, bas central station embeds web server, integrates web functions, and works in the form of web pages, which makes bas and Intranet integrated, forming a bas network integration system using web technology. Modern graphics and image technology image technology is an important technology of information technology. Modern image technology applied to intelligent buildings mainly includes two aspects: on the one hand, advanced image information technology, that is, information display graphics visualization; The other is computer processing of image information and related management information, moving image compression coding and network control technology, that is, computer processing and network control. Image information computer processing and network control technology are embodied in MPEG system standard