如果系统电涌保护没有做好,一旦承受无法耐受的电涌冲击,会对系统和设备产生严重的后果。菲尼克斯电气SEC系列高性能电涌保护器具有安全能量控制技术,无需任何后备保护熔断器,支持在线热插拔与可视状态指示窗口、远程遥信报警功能,可通过CHECKMASTER 2 进行检测,其抗冲击 & 振动优势能够让产品应用在各种极限条件环境下。除此之外SEC系列产品具备五年内免费更换服务,自购买起,五年以内任何非人为因素损坏即可免费更换。它的性能、质量、服务无一不是业界高水准的代名词。
在工业领域,实时监视电网参数,包括电压、电流、频率、功率、能耗等至关重要。EMpro多功能智能电能表,支持独立的24V供电,与测量回路电气隔离,避免电网波动对电能表参数采集造成影响。产品的安装使用也非常便捷,可通过标准罗氏线圈快速接入,无需使用互感器。此外,EMpro设备支持多种通讯方式,包括PROFINET,EtherNet/IP 及Modbus。通过固件升级,所有EMpro设备均支持REST API接口,通过手机、平板等支持HTTP协议的终端,可以通过极为简单的指令即可实现数据的快速集成。
易于维护-快速向导配置模式;company has increased continuously and rapidly. He said, "the use of low-cost FPGAs is beneficial to narrow the distance between other companies like our company. It brings us the price level of functions and performance like ASIC that we can easily manage." We have said before that ASIC brings high NRE costs. Oglesby responded, "large companies can spend 6 or 7 digits to manufacture ASIC, but small companies can't." Host engineering and other similar companies have small production, and machine manufacturers of all sizes also have competitive small production. This means that for almost all machine manufacturer applications, FPGA will undoubtedly beat ASIC due to their relatively low NRE cost. Host company provided how to improve FPGA in the past few years, so that it is easier to implement small-scale applications. Oglesby: "for us, there are two key factors, which were achieved at the same time in 2003. One is high performance. The supplier provides the availability of soft processors and Altera NIOS. The other is the availability of Altera cyclone 1c6, a solution less than $15, which allows the integration of processors, Ethernet ports and backplane interfaces." Since then, host company launched NIOS 2 in 2005 and will soon release Altera cyclone III. Automation product suppliers use FPGAs, but what about machine manufacturers and companies that directly serve them?