一个具备抗 EMI 干扰功能的的可靠通信解决方案,从而尽可能降低干扰所带来的影响。光纤电缆具备长距离抗 EMI 性能,是将数据从电力设备传输至控制中心的不二之选。此外,互联设备也应配备其他保护机制,例如双电源和双端口输入,从而在某一电源或端口失效时,仍能确保设备不间断运转。
5SHX1445H0001可控硅模块,3BHL00391P0101中文PDF用户手册第二,通信系统需能快速恢复,尽可能缩短故障停机时间。电力质量监控设备多以串口连接,并使用 Modbus RTU 等工业协议。然而,EMS 通常使用以太网 OT/IT 协议,如 Modbus TCP、SNMPv3、BACnet/IP。所以就需要使用协议网关来实现上述设备和系统间的通信。
网络安全也是网络规划的考量之一。如开关柜和 UPS 与公共网络相连接,就会使您的系统暴露在潜在网络威胁之下。因此,需加强对联网设备的保护,以防黑客通过薄弱点侵入系统。在开关电源设计中,主功率有多个开关管时其驱动必须采用隔离设计,比如多管串联反激、双管正激、LLC等多开关管的拓扑中,开关管驱动均需要做隔离处理。当前市面上已经有较成熟的自举驱动芯片来满足设计需求,但是其驱动芯片的耐压等级受限,最高电压只能到600V左右。在更高输入电压等级的应用场合中,比如光伏电源、SVG辅助电源等输入电压达到1500V甚至更高的电源产品设计时,驱动芯片的方案就不再适用,只能选择磁隔离变压器驱动电路。因此磁隔离驱动电路的设计极其重要。其中,电容C1为输入端直流隔离电容,C3为开关管QM等效的输入电容。电容电压的参考方向如图1所示,T1为磁隔离驱动变压器。S1是脉冲宽度调制驱动器(PWM Driver)的输出信号波形,S2是变压器输入端的波形
The motion of each motor is controlled by the industry-specific computer and motion control card. The industry-specific computer is the core part of the LED solid crystal machine control system, which is mainly responsible for the management of human-computer interaction interface and the real-time monitoring of the control system, issuing motion instructions, and effectively processing the information collected and transmitted by the control card, Make each link realize the expected movement, and ensure the accuracy detection of mechanical position and the safety of operation.
Under the control of the industry-specific computer on the windows platform, the LED solid crystal machine system can make full use of hardware resources, greatly speed up the data processing speed and improve the operation efficiency of the system.
System block diagram:
system configuration
Industrial chassis: 4U Radial Gate industrial chassis
◆ 4U, 19 inch, shelf mountable, European and American style, in line with eiars-310c standard
◆ up to 5 3.5 "drives can be installed
◆ the front panel is locked to prevent misoperation,