如果使用电流源来为 LED 供电则可以避免这种情况。使用稳压器和运算放大器可以实现简单的电路之前使用汞灯会产生短波长 UVA、UVB 和 UVC 光,但现在为了更高效、更环保且更安全而使用 LED(发光二极管)。汞灯仅将大约 20% 的电能转化为UV辐射,其余的则以红外线辐射的形式损失,这使得它们在密闭空间使用时让人很热且不舒服。它们还以非常高的激励电压运行,特别是在潮湿的环境中会是一个安全隐患。再加上因为汞蒸气有毒让汞灯难以回收,不但易碎还容易损坏。
REF615E-D操作面板,HBFDACADANB1BNN1XD产品重量另一方面,UV LED比汞灯更灵活、更坚固、不受湿气影响、可在较低的电压下工作而且更具成本效益。另一个大优势是能够选择不同类型的 LED来轻松调整,产生 UVA (315-380nm)、UVB (280-315nm) 、 UVC (200-280nm) 或不同波长的搭配组合。因此,相同设计的UV灯可用低剂量几乎可见的 UVA 辐射来治疗继发性感染如耐甲氧西林金葡菌 (MRSA),而不会对人体皮肤或眼睛造成有害影响。UV灯也能消除空气或供水的污染物,或作为高强度 UVC 源以阻止病毒或细菌复制,将其微调至对RNA/DNA 分子作用力最强的265nm最大吸收波长。LED容易调光,给的剂量比汞灯来得更加准确。
与所有大功率 LED 一样,UV LED 应由恒流源驱动。光亮度与通过 LED 的电流成正比而非施加的电压。曲线是非线性的,如果 LED 由恒压源供电,即使 LED 正向电压只有微小的变化也会显著改变通过它的电流(图 2)。此外,正向电压会随温度变化也会在各个 LED 之间有所不同如果 LED 由恒流源驱动,正向电压的任何变化都不会改变总电流(也就是照度)。LED 驱动器会自动补偿 LED 特性的任何变化或漂移,保持光的输出水平不变。单个 LED 或多颗串联 LED 都是如此。
可见光 LED 和UV LED 的主要区别在于工作电压范围。350 mA 或 700 mA 的可见光 LED 通常以 3-4 VDC 的正向电压开始发光,但能量更高的 UV LED 通常需要 5-6 VDC 的电压。这意味着如果您想组装一个具有五个大功率 LED 和 350 mA 恒定电流的 LED 灯我们不建议高亮度 LED并联在一起因为每个灯串,总的正向电压的差异会导致流过并联灯串中的电流不平均。如果需要更亮的照明,只需串联更多的 LED即可,让每个 LED 的电流(也就是亮度)保持恒定。缺点是颗数多灯串需要更高的电源电压。
Coupling mode of interference. Conductive EMI
One of the most obvious and often overlooked paths that can cause noise in a circuit is through a conductor. A wire passing through a noisy environment can pick up the noise and send it to other circuits to cause interference. The designer must avoid the noise of wire picking up and remove the noise by decoupling before the noise causes interference. The most common example is noise entering the circuit through the power line. If the power supply itself or other circuits connected to the power supply are interference sources, they must be decoupled before the power line enters the circuit.
2. Common impedance coupling
Common impedance coupling occurs when current from two different circuits flows through a common impedance. The voltage drop on the impedance is determined by two circuits, and the ground current from the two circuits flows through the common ground impedance. The ground potential of circuit 1 is modulated by ground current 2, and the noise signal or DC compensation is coupled from circuit 2 to circuit 1 through common ground impedance.
3. Radiative coupling
Radiated coupling is commonly known as crosstalk. Crosstalk occurs when a current flows through a conductor, generating an electromagnetic field that induces transient currents in adjacent