采用工频变压器作为逆变升压部件的UPS俗称工频机(对应国外的TRANSFORMER BASED UPS),主要由整流器、电池组、逆变器和升压变压器组成。工频机的主要特点是逆变器输出端有一个升压变压器,能把逆变器的输出电压升至380V,而其直流母线电压通常较低。
利用高频开关技术,以BOOST直流升压电路将直流母线电压升至800V左右,从而替代逆变器输出侧工频变压器的UPS,俗称高频机(对应国外的TRANSFORMERLESS UPS),它主要由整流器、电池组、DC升压装置、逆变器组成。高频机的主要特点是没有变压器,采用高频化IGBT整流器,直流电压高,电池节数多,重量较轻,体积较小。
■ 两者的主要差异:
()高频UPS由于采用IGBT整流技术,其输入谐波及输入功率因素方面较有优势,由于采用直流升压电路提高了内部直流电压,因此无需输出变压器。higher requirements are put forward for the load-bearing capacity and safety reliability of tires. The manufacturing process of tire mainly includes three steps: first, different kinds of rubber, different oils, dyes and additives are mixed together to produce different parts of tire, such as liner, edge and tire surface. At the same time, it also needs to produce other parts, including steel strip required by tire; Next, the various parts of the tire are assembled through the tire forming equipment; Finally, the tire is fixed after heating and vulcanization. In this process, tire assembly is one of the most critical processes, and tire forming equipment has become the equipment that all tire manufacturers attach great importance to. Qingdao University soft control company is one of the professional manufacturers of radial tire forming equipment. Their customers include Hangzhou Chaoyang, Henan Fengshen, Liaoning Langma, Shandong Jinyu, Hengfeng, Sailun, Huanghai, Pingdu Guangming, etc. In order to help tire manufacturers produce high-quality tires faster and better, Qingdao University soft control company is committed to producing highly reliable tire forming equipment for the production of all steel radial truck tires.