3HAC026271-001机器人模块,3HAC027648-00102产品重量在电源设计时,输出电压为12V的开关电源的输出端滤波电解电容耐压值一般选取16V的规格值,一旦24V电压倒灌到电源的输出端,相当于把24V电压加到16V电解电容两端,电解电容会因为过压损坏,导致12V的开关电源失效。针对直流充电桩设备,我司有分立式方案和集中式方案两种解决方案:针对分立式应用方案(两只开关电源,一只输出12V,一只输出24V),把输出电压为12V的开关电源产品中的输出滤波电解电容规格值选用35V。即使在输出端倒灌24V电压值,电解电容也在耐压规格值内,不存在电解电容过压损坏对于集中式应用方案(把12V和24V两种输出电压集成在一个电源产品中,通过开关档位选择输出电压):输出端的电解电容是共用电解电容,因此输出端的滤波电解电容耐压值选取为63V的规格值,即使输出端存在60VDC的倒灌电压,也不会损坏输出滤波电解电容,保证滤波电解电容可靠工作,从而保证输出端存在倒灌电压时,开关电源也不会损坏。由于开关电源在正常工作时,输出电流是通过二极管流入到负载。电流流过时,二极管会因导通压降产生功率损耗,使得二极管发热。为防止二极管发热严重损坏,一般二极管的电流规格选取电源额定输出电流的(5-10)Io,并且可以在二极管上增加散热片,以降低二极管工作时的温升。在工业领域或医疗辅助等行业,需要使用到氧气或氢气情况,部分客户对于氧气和氢气的生产采用水电解实现。但是水电解完成后,氧气和氢气会发生化学反应,在生成水的同时对外放电,此放电电压会倒灌到系统前端的开关电源输出端,导致开关电源存在倒灌电压/电流,影响开关电源的正常工作。开关电源输出端在接入不同的负载时,由于负载特性,系统在工作时,负载可能会产生电压,此电压倒灌到开关电源的输出端,影响电源和系统正常工作,甚至会损坏开关电源。本文根据开关电源在实际应用过程中的三个案例,通过对倒灌电压产生的机理分析,给出不同的防倒灌电压解决方案。is enough to meet the requirements of the control system. At the same time, the a/d modules used by PLC are transformed in an integral way, which can average the peak noise and induced noise of the input signal, and is suitable for industrial places with serious noise. Automatic rotation work in order to prevent the motor and electrical equipment from being affected by moisture or other faults not found in time due to the long-term use of the standby pump and its electrical equipment or standby pipeline, and when the standby pump needs to be put into operation in case of emergency failure of the working pump, it cannot be put into operation in time, so as to affect the mine safety, this system program designs the automatic rotation work control of 5 pumps, The control program automatically records and accumulates the parameters such as the number of starts and stops of the water pump and the operation time, the number of uses and flow of the pipeline, and the system automatically starts and stops the water pump and the corresponding pipeline in a certain order according to these operation parameters