IC697BEM713通用电气卡件因此LED驱动电源要有抑制浪涌的侵入,保护LED不被损坏的能力。采用自主专利的无主从自适应并联技术、模块化高标准工业级设计、双DSP控制全数字化控制技术等等高端先进技术,以及丰富的电源管理软件。全中文LCD大液晶显示设计,操作简便、方便日常管理和维护,不会有误关机等人为误操作事件的发生,在用户中有着良好的基础和口碑,在工业制造业中有着广泛、深入的应用。 对于中控室的供电设备,科华推荐了FR-UK-PG10KVA的UPS产品。该产品是专为智能数密设备、工业自动化系统、数据机房、OA系统等设计的高性能不间断电源。汽车电系上的负载多种多样,既有小阻抗、大电流的阻性感性负载,也有小电流、高电压的脉冲发生装置,还有高频振荡信号源,它们不仅对外是潜在的干扰发射源,也是对车载电子产品的干扰源。另外,由于高机动性,汽车也可能会处于各种可以想像得到的从低频到高频的复杂电磁场中,由此产生的电磁干扰耦合也会影响汽车电子电气系统的正常运行。汽车电系内的电压可以归纳为以下几类:正常工作电压、异常稳态电压、无线电干扰电压、瞬变过电压和静电放电。 汽车电器的电磁兼容设计 汽车电器的电磁兼容环境应是一个设备共存、互不干扰的环境,这就要求系统具备良好的EMI和EMS特性。造成电器功能降级或失效的电磁干扰的发生必须同时具备3个要素:干扰源、干扰耦合通路以及敏感设备。抑制干扰源、阻断耦合以及提高敏感设备的抗扰阈值是解决电磁兼容问题的根本措施。distance* Din35 industrial guide rail design, metal aluminum plate, IP30 protection grade, point-to-point / chain topology* Dual power redundancy, providing optical fiber link and power failure alarm relay output* 600W surge protection and overload protection, 9-30v wide power supply reverse connection protection Conclusion the system adopts ci-rf120-m for optical fiber transmission, which solves the problems of on-site electromagnetic interference, ground ring interference and lightning damage. PLC is used to automatically detect the water level and other parameters of the water sump. According to the water level of the water sump, mine power consumption information and other factors, a mathematical model is established to reasonably dispatch the operation of the water pump. With the rapid development of computer control technology, Programmable logic controller (PLC) control with microprocessor as the core has gradually replaced relay control and is widely used in the field of automatic control in all walks of life. The coal industry is no exception,