该设备可提供最高 10——3000Hz 的频率,实现了输出电压、电流的连续可调,以达到输出功率连续可调的目 的,由于中频电源涡流感应加强,导致集肤效应更强,漏磁减少,因此电加热效果大大好于工频电源,节能效果达到 20%以上,大大地降低了采油生产能源的消耗该装置是将空心抽油杆内穿过电缆并与抽油杆杆体形成回路,通以工频交流电,利用内集肤效应原理在空心抽油杆壁上产生热能,对油管内原油进行全程加热,提高油管内原油温度,降低原油粘度,改善其流动性,防止油管内原油结蜡,从而有效地开采高凝、高粘、高含蜡原油。
3BSE011180R1处理器模块,PM511V08产品颜色空心抽油杆电加热装置在空心抽油杆内下入加热电缆,使空心抽油杆和加热电缆组成通电回路,利用集肤效应加热原理使原油在井筒内得到加热,从而起到降粘、清蜡作用 。集肤效应,又叫趋肤效应,是当交变电流通过导体时,电流会聚集于导体表层,而非平均分布于整个导体的截面中,电流集中在导体表面流过,这种现象叫集肤效应。
当钢管中穿过电缆形成回路并通过交流电流时,钢管截面中电流主要集中在钢管内表面,此现象称为内集肤效应,而钢管的外 表面几乎没有电流通过,空心杆外壁可视为绝缘体,这种现象不仅随着频率的增高而明显加强,而且还随着导体半径、磁导率和电导率的增高而表现的更加显著。电加热抽油杆就是利用内集肤效应工作的,由于空心抽油杆的交流阻抗远大于导线的电阻,空心抽油杆为主要发热体。中频加热电源主电路为 AC-DC-AC 变频结构,由整流电路、滤波、逆变电路和保护电路组成。其工作原理是将三相50Hz 工频交流电经过三相全控整流桥整流成电压可调的脉动直流,再通过电容将脉动 的直流电滤波变成光滑平稳的直流电送到单相逆变桥,最后通过逆变桥将直流电变成单相频率可调的中频交流电供给负载。采用中频电压作为 取样信号,无中频电流互感器,输出部分和负载的 连接不需区分极性。
人机对话的显示界面,可通过键盘的选择显示工作频率及电流,输出脉冲的占空比、电流变比等, 并可显示故障状态及原因,使显示更直观,更易于操作。
输出电压、电流连续可调,可以使加热系统处于最佳工作状态,能源利用 率高,节能效果明显恒输出电压/恒输出功率控制选择功能。The pulverized coal in groups is sent to the mixer room through the belt conveyor. In order to protect the environment, the tar residue transported from the gas purification facilities needs to be distributed back to the fired coal. The function of the mixer is to fully mix the pulverized coal and the added tar residue, recycle the waste residue, make the particle size distribution of the fired coal more uniform, and improve the quality of coke.The mixer adopts double screw mixing device to fully mix the materials. There are two mixers in total, with a single production capacity of 600t/h, one for production and one for standby. The blended coal is sent to the top of the coal tower. The coal sample preparation room is an integral part of the laboratory of the whole plant, which is composed of sample crushing and division room, sample storage room, sample drying room, etc. Its task is to collect and prepare samples, determine the moisture and particle size composition of each single coal and mixed coal, shrink and crush the coal samples to less than 1.5mm and 0.2mm, send them to the Central Laboratory of the plant for colloidal layer determination and industrial analysis,