自动门控系统装置可以借助光电感应信号识别虚假的购物行为并自动封锁入口。 图三/四:传感器和定位磁块是分开两个部分。定位磁块安装在转动轴上。这样自动门控装置的机械安装非常简单方便。转向门柱的转动轴部安装了一块用于定位的磁块。根据转动角度的不同磁场方向会发生该改变,这样传感器的信号也会改变。 图片五:RSC是将传感器和定位磁块安装在同一个外壳之内,原理和RFC4800是一样的.。技术指标
系统要求低功耗,体积小,抗震。Modbus RTU协议在GForce-200中的应用原理 2.1 Modbus RTU协议与GForce-200相互关系简介 GForce-200 CPU上的通讯口Port0可以支持Modbus RTU协议,成为Modbus RTU从站。此功能是通过GForce-200的自由口通讯模式实现,因此可以通过无线数据电台等慢速通讯设备传输。 如果想在GForce-200 CPU与其他支持Modbus RTU的设备使用Modbus RTU协议通讯,需要由有GForce-200 CPU做Modbus主站。GForce-200 CPU做主站必须由用户自己用自由口模式,按相关协议编程。 在GForce-200控制系统应用中,Modbus RTU从站指令库只支持CPU上的通讯0口(Port0)。要实现Modbus RTU通讯,需要Step7-Micro/WIN32 V3.2以上版本的编程软件,而且须安装Step7-Micro/WIN32 V3.2 Instruction Library(指令库)。Modbus RTU功能是通过指令库中预先编好的程序功能块实现的。 2.2 Modbus RTU协议在GForce-200中应用的基本过程 (1) 首先检查GForce-200控制系统中所用Micro/WIN的软件版本,应当是Step7-Micro/WIN V3.2以上版本。 (2) 检查Micro/WIN的指令树中是否存在Modbus RTU从站指令库(图1),库中应当包括MBUS_INIT和MBUS_SLAVE两个子程序。如果没有,须安装Micro/WIN32 V3.2 Instruction Library(指令库)软件包,如图1所示。
图1 指令树中的库指令
it is the problem of wire / cable or executive components, which will not be discussed in depth in this paper. If the PLC output signal is abnormal, you need to check the program to see which conditions are not met, and continue to track until you find out the program problem, or input the problem, and accurately locate the fault point. Continuous fault means that the state of the fault point remains unchanged, such as a sensor hardware fault, and the signal maintains a fixed state. Here we will continue to discuss in two cases. If it is a continuous signal, you can use programming software to directly find the problem source online. If the logic is simple, you can even directly check the state of the input (DI) to determine the fault point. For example, if a device fails to start, you can troubleshoot it calmly.
Even if the cause of the fault continues, if the time of action is relatively short, it should still be judged according to the short-term fault described later. For example, for a position sensor of a mobile device, the signal will be high for a short time only when the device passes the position, and it will be low at other times. If the sensor loses power and the signal remains low, the fault will not appear before the equipment passes.