支持2x MINI PCIE接口:1个支持3G/4G/WiFi可选),另一个支持MSATA ■ 主板尺寸:146mmx 102mm
EXB-3720是基于Intel Skylake/Kaby Lake芯片组的标准3.5嵌入式主板,板载Intel Skylake 6代/ Kaby Lake 7代(3855U/3865U/6200U/7200U)处理器,1条DDR4 SODIMM内存插槽,最大支持16GB。集成Intel HD Graphics图形控制器,支持VGA,HDMI,LVDS/EDP多种显示接口。
MVI56-MCM增强通讯模块,PROSOFT用户手册最多支持6个串口,4个USB3.0,2个USB2.0(插针),2个Intel 10/100/1000Mbps以太网口,支持高清音频输出,带功放。 研控科技EXB-3720工业级别产品方案的打造能力,该条产品线在打造之初,就对其性能与市场定位进行了清晰的分析,精心打造出的产品方案,上市后得到市场的广泛认可,在多个客户需求场景中落地 产品可应用于人工只能、人脸识别、工业控制、交通控制、工业自动化、交互式客户端、军工等各种行业领域。适配器固件从V2.8.17版本开始支持I2C从机功能,下面就针对这个功能的使用做简单介绍。
现在我们用两个USB-I2C适配器对接,一个当主机,一个当从机,由于适配器内部I2C总线上没上拉电阻,所以需要在SDA和SCL两根信号线上分别接一个4.7K的上拉电阻到3.3V,然后运行USB-I2C Classic软件,由于我们要配置适配器工作在从机模式下,所以在选择设备类型为从机之前需要先设置好相关参数,因为在选择从机模式后会根据界面设置相关参数自动初始化适配器为从机,其设置从机相关参数如下:注意
load balancing can be set. The most important point is that the backplane bandwidth of the core switch is much higher than that of the ordinary switch, and there is usually a separate engine module, which is the main and standby.
Access layer switch has the characteristics of low cost and high port density. Access switches are generally used to directly connect computers, and convergence switches are generally used between buildings. Convergence relative to a local or important transfer station, the core is equivalent to an exit or general summary.service life
The service life of industrial switch is > 10 years. However, the service life of ordinary commercial switches is 3-5 years.
Why look at the service life? Because it is related to the later maintenance of the project. Therefore, in the video transmission in the network monitoring environment such as parks, office buildings and parking lots, as well as the data transmission in the scenes such as visual intercom and access control in buildings, which need high-definition video streaming transmission, switches with comparable performance with industrial switches should be selected.