依靠维控LX3VE系列plc的电子凸轮和电子齿轮指令,可实现送纸轴和切槽轴的线速度同步,从而保证了纸板切口的高质量。 3、维控plc的电子凸轮功能启动方式灵活多样,此系统使用了非周期凸轮的外部启动方式,不受电子凸轮运行的影响,可根据测量出的误差进行实时调整。纸张分切机是将宽幅卷筒纸分切并复卷成宽度不等,直径大小不等卷材的纸张加工设备。
CC-PCNTOX底板广泛用于纸张加工界或印前印后的机械设备。纸张分切机是采用PLC和触摸屏控制,磁粉离合式张力控制,中心卷取方式,采用变频调速可以自动计米、报警停机。功能以普通模式为例,画面上可以控制机器的运行停止,计数,吹边,小孔,磁粉收卷,报警停机等功能。这个工程的控制系统是触摸屏、plc、变频器之间的通讯控制。Plc上要处理好计数,以及控制变频器的启停。 基于PLC和HMI的分切机,用人机界面显示系统的状态和对系统的控制,实现全自动工作,节省了人力。采用触摸屏对现场设备进行实时检测和控制,便于操作和维护,控制过程采用变频调速,提高控制效率、工作效率和工作可靠性,降低故障发生率,还使得控制过程智能化、可视化。该烫印机由传动机构、加热机构、精修机构、抛光机构组成。传动机构由台达变频器控制一个三相异步电动机,带动传送带。加热机构由加热棒和温度传感器组成,用温度传感器读取的温度来控制加热棒是否加热。精修与抛光机构由变频器控制三相异步电机。具体流程:该设备采用的是全点动控制,没有自动流程 。按转印按钮系统会自动判断温度是否达到要求来控制是否开始转印,完成后进行精修和抛光,再导膜。该控制系统主要采用维控人机界面LEVI-700LK,PLC主机采用LX3V-0806MT,模块LX3V-2TC构成。PLC的COM2口与变频器的485通讯口连接,用MODBUS RTU协议来控制传送带、精修电机、抛光电机的速度与报警。用LX3V-2TC控制加热棒是否加热。方案优化
was set up at Xinzhou / Hongli intersection in Futian, Shenzhen in 1997, the application of electronic police and bayonet system in China has been promoted for 13 years. From the initial analog signal to the current digital signal, from the initial standard definition system to the current high-definition system, with the upgrading of the system, higher and higher requirements have been put forward for the network transmission part.
Reasons for using Ethernet switch in Intelligent Transportation:
The traditional electronic police and bayonet system adopts standard definition system, and the maximum resolution of the traditional standard definition system can only reach 4cif (704 * 576, about 400000 pixels). In addition, there are more various uncertain factors in field application, mainly reflected in:
(1) The picture is not clear enough
The maximum definition of pictures taken by standard definition camera is 704 × 576. There is little video information that can be accommodated. Due to the lack of picture definition, the recognition effect is affected, which has an impact on the analysis and evidence collection of electronic police.