EPRO 9200-06121n前置器,PR9268/307-100用户手册
EPRO 9200-06121n前置器基于智能保护器RPC2701的矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关在现场使用至今,达到了漏电保护的快速性和稳定性的要求,没有出现系统死机或断路器误动作等故障,得到了用户的好评。智能保护器RPC2701完成了馈电开关的过载保护、短路保护、漏电闭锁、漏电保护、选择性漏电保护、欠压保护、过压保护、三相不平衡保护、瓦斯闭锁、风电闭锁、功率计量、通讯组网等多种功能。在故障发生时,能够及时记录故障状态并切断电源,保护了人或设备的安全。和利时矿用专用模块专门为煤矿井下环境设计的集继电保护、综合测控、数据通信功能于一体的矿用综合保护装置,实现煤矿井下电力自动化监控最理想的终端设备。和利时针对煤矿井下矿用防爆电器设备对可靠性和安全性的需求而设计开发了专用的PLC模块。专用PLC模块能够实现交流电压、交流电流信号直接输入,将电力监视、保护和控制集成到一体,解决目前井下供电设备控制系统复杂、误动作率高、中间环节多等问题,保证了井下电力设备的可靠性和安全性。和利时矿用专用模块可以对矿用防爆电器设备的三相电压、三相电流、零序电压、零序电流、漏电电阻、绝缘监视等信号直接进行采集,不需要通过变送器变换成4~20mA、0~10V的标准信号,在节省变送设备的同时也提高了信号采集的速度。在编程软件中PowerPro中集成了专用的保护功能块,通过简单方便的编程即可实现漏电、短路等保护,大大减少了程序的编程量。和利时矿用PLC模块具有标准的MODBUS RTU从站协议,还可以扩展PROFIBUS-DP和以太网通讯,方便实现井下整个系统的监控。
High speed counter hc4 has 8 modes, as shown in the table below:
f. High speed counter HC5 has one mode, as shown in the table below:
5. Control byte of high speed counterThe system arranges a special register SMB for each high-speed counter as the control word. The working mode of the high-speed counter can also be determined by specifying the control byte as the setting of the. Before executing HSC instruction, un200 CPU should first check the control byte related to each high-speed counter. In the control byte, set the effective level of start input signal and reset input signal, the counting magnification of quadrature counter, the effective level of internal control for counting direction, whether it is allowed to change the counting direction, whether it is allowed to update the set value, whether it is allowed to update the current value, and whether it is allowed to execute high-speed counting instruction.explain:
(1) Among the 12 working modes of the high-speed counter, mode 0, mode 3, mode 6 and mode 9 are none
In mode 1, mode 4, mode 7 and mode 10, the counters with start input and no reset input are counters with only reset input and no start input;