综上所述,交流伺服系统在许多性能方面都优于步进电机。但在一些要求不高的场合也经常用步进电机来做执行电动机。所以,在控制系统的设计过程中要综合考虑控制要求、成本等多方面的因素,选用适当的控制电机。 微芯片、OLED、LCD、植入物和半导体的生产以及制药业,对生产环境的无尘等级要求非常高。每一种类型的污染都会对产品造成直接影响,给制造商带来巨大损失。同时,制造商对机器元件和供能系统也提出了特别高的无尘要求。为此,igus在四年前推出了易于拆装的全封闭型波纹管e-skin系列。它是获得德国弗劳恩霍夫(Fraunhofer)应用研究协会认证的ISO 1级产品,并在2018年荣获该协会的“Clean! 2018”洁净技术奖二等奖。 其获奖理由是:由耐磨工程塑料制成的e-skin系列,拥有模块化的结构,并可快速布线。为了使e-skin系列适用于更狭小的安装空间,igus采用新的柔性材料打造出了柔性型e-skin soft系列,它可以在架空长度较短的狭小安装空间中使用。 针对扁平安装空间,igus也推出了一种带内腔设计的新解决方案——扁平型e-skin flat系列。两款新拖链在运行噪声测试中都表现出色:柔性型e-skin soft系列的噪音值为32.4dBA,扁平型e-skin flat系列的噪音值为29dBA。 这表明,适用于无尘室的两款新拖链相较于市场上的同类解决方案要更加安静。
e-skin soft:模块化,可快速填充
component, only aging without the limit of use times. The number of switches per minute of the relay is also limited, while the transistor does not. Transistors also have large currents, such as 5A or more It is the output of transistor. When there is a rear relay, pay special attention to the polarity of relay coil (generally, the coil is connected with protective diode or indicator light), otherwise the transistor will be burned out). Nowadays, industrial control products have developed to a stage of pursuing personalization and differentiation. The traditional PLC products have been unable to meet the more differentiated market demand. In order to meet this demand, there is a programmable control board. Programmable control board is a PLC that builds the PLC system software in the controller, customizes the hardware according to the user's control needs, and solves the object control problem by the application of PLC.
The example of the product proves that, based on the principle of tailorable software and hardware, the developed products can well meet the personalized needs of users, and various models can be customized according to the needs of users, which saves the hardware cost, shortens the R & D cycle, and obtains many powerful functions.
With the development of economy, the water supply capacity of most cities in China has been improved by leaps and bounds. Even at the peak of water consumption, the water supply capacity is still very rich, which lays the foundation for non negative pressure water supply equipment.