PLC控制系统,Programmable Logic Controller,是专为工业生产设计的一种数字运算操作的电子装置,它采用一类可编程的存储器,用于其内部存储程序,执行逻辑运算,顺序控制,定时,计数与算术操作等面向用户的指令,并通过数字或模拟式输入/输出控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。是工业控制的核心部分。PLC具有高可靠性、抗干扰能力强、功能强大、灵活,易学易用、体积小,重量轻等特点。
如上图,采用PLC控制双电源时,分别用常用电源跟备用电源的三相U1、V1、W1和U2、V2、W2各接一个中间继电器,中间继电器常开触点信号再接到PLC的开关量输入端,当PLC检测到某一相的中间继电器触点断开时就判定该相缺相,若三相中继触点同时断开,则说明该路电源失电。 PLC检测到常用电源缺相或者失电时,PLC发出启动发电机信号,同时断开QF1,闭合QF2,切换到备用电源供电;当常用侧电源恢复正常,则PLC发出发电机停止信号,同时断开QF2,闭合QF1,将电源切换到常用电源供电。
the DC 24V power supply used at the input and output points of CPU module and expansion module is provided by the user externally. If the DC 24V power supply inside the CPU module must be used, the load capacity of the DC 24V power supply shall be verified so that the sum of the current consumed by the CPU module and each expansion module does not exceed the maximum current (400mA) provided by the internal DC 24V power supply.
When in use, if the user needs to provide external DC24V power supply, pay attention to the connection method of the power supply: the sensor power supply of the host and the external DC24V power supply provided by the user cannot be connected in parallel, otherwise it will lead to the competition between the two power supplies and affect their respective output, make one or two power supplies fail at the same time, and cause incorrect operation of the PLC system, resulting in system failure. The project is an automatic control system for air conditioning in the clean room of a pharmaceutical factory in Northeast China, which is divided into two parts: injection plant control system and raw material plant control system.
The workplace in the injection plant is a two-story building,