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    MC68230并行接口定时器提供了多功能双缓冲并行接口和面向操作系统的定时器MC68000系统-平行接口以非定向或BLD定向模式,非定向中的8位或16位wlde模式。reglster上的关联数据d~rect~确定端口PM是bldlrectlonal模式下的输入或输出数据d~rectlon正则器被tgnored并确定方向通过四个握手PLN的状态,这些可编程的握手PLN提供了足够灵活的接口,可以连接到低-中的w~de varlety。

    UAD206A101 3BHE019958R0101.jpg

    3BHE019958R0101模块或高速外围设备或其他计算机系统PIIT端口允许使用矢量或自动矢量中断,并提供DMA请求pln,用于连接到MC68450 D ~ recr内存访问控制器或simtlar CLR连接Pl/Ttlrner包括一个24-b~t wlde计数器和一个5b1t预分频器可以通过系统时钟(PIIT CLK引脚)或外部时钟(TIN pml,可使用5-b~r预分频器,它可以生成per ~ od ~ c中断方波,或pro的单中断gramrned tlme perlod 11也可用于经过的tlme测量或作为开发看门狗MC68003 Bds兼容0端口模式包括011 110Unld ~ Rectional 8-011和16 BltB~d~直线8-81!和16-0110个可选握手选项0 24-011可编程转换器0软件可编程Tmer模式0包含逻辑上的中断向量生成0个单独的端口和定时器中断服务请求0 Reg ~ SRER是可读的,可直接寻址为MOVEP lMove(外设)和DMAC寻址0个寄存器比较REAIRS上的b~l~VVMlC维修的产品在以下方面有缺陷保证:自装运日期起九十(90)天内的工艺和材料客户要求维修所有超出保修期的电路板。参见标准保修期内维修的电路板的销售条件。6.4.7除外责任维修费用可能不适用于接收到异常信号的电路板物理或电气损坏。在这种情况下,VMlC将提供估计价格用于电路板维修或更换。然后,客户可以选择让董事会按估计价格维修,免费退回未维修,或按VMIC当前标价替换。

    The MC68230 Parallel InterfaceITimer prov~des versatile double buffered parallel interfaces and an operating system oriented timer to

    MC68000 systems The parallel tnterfaces operate in un~directional or

    bldlrectional modes, either 8 or 16 bits wlde In the un~directlonal

    modes. an assoctated data d~rect~on reglster determines whether the

    port pms are Inputs or outputs In the bldlrectlonal modes the data

    d~rectlon reglsrers are tgnored and the direction is determined

    dynamcally by the state of four handshake plns These programmable

    handshake plns prov~de an Interface flex~ble enough for connectlon to a

    w~de varlety of low medium. or hlgh speed peripherals or other compurer systems The PIIT ports allow use of vectored or autovectored Interrupts and also prov~de a DMA Request pln for connectlon to the

    MC68450 D~recr Memory Access Controller or a simtlar clrcult The Pl/T

    tlrner contams a 24-b~t wlde counter and a 5b1t prescaler The tuner

    may be clocked by the system clock (PIIT CLK pin) or by an external

    clock (TIN pml, and a 5-b~r prescaler can be used It can generate

    per~od~c Interrupts a square wave, or a slngle Interrupt af~er a pro

    gramrned tlme perlod Also 11 can be used for elapsed tlme measurement or as a devlce watchdog

    MC68003 Bds Compatible

    0 Port Modes Include

    011 110

    Unld~rectonal 8-011 and 16-Blt

    B~d~rect~onal 8-81! and 16-011

    0 Selectable Handshakmg Opt~ons

    0 24-011 Programmable Trner

    0 Software Programmable Tmer Modes

    0 Contains lnterrupt Vector Generat~on Logic

    0 Separate Port and Timer Interrupt Serv~ce Requests

    0 Reg~srers are ReadlWr~te and Directly Addressable

    0 Reglsrers are Addressed for MOVEP lMove Peripheral) and DMAC

    Compar~b~l~tyWarrantv on Re~airs

    Products repaired by VMlC are warranted against defects in

    workmanship and material for a period of ninety (90) days from date of shipment to

    the customer for all boards that were repaired out of warranty. See standard

    condition of sale for boards repaired within the warranty.

    6.4.7 Exclusions

    Repair rates may not apply to boards which have received unusual

    physical or electrical damage. In such cases, VMlC will provide an estimated price

    for board repair or replacement. The customer may then, at his option, choose to

    have the board repaired at the estimated price, returned unrepaired at no charge,

    or replaced at VMIC's current list price. 







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