电路可以跨接以提供输入去抖动过滤器(请参阅订购选项)。绝对最大输入电压:±60 V持续
3BSE069274R1使用区域该板的设计具有内部自检逻辑。CMOS缓冲器连接直接向输入端输出数据寄存器(ODR)用于生成比较器偏移的电压比较器可用于离线操作期间的健康测试。VMIVME-2534还支持实时测试输出驱动器和/或输入电压比较器故障检测和隔离到板/位级别。控制和状态寄存器(CSR):一个CSR是用于控制前面板故障LED和内部内置测试功能。故障指示灯:提供一个前面板故障指示灯可以在程序控制下打开和关闭。这LED在通电和系统复位时点亮。物理/环境温度范围:0至55°C,工作20至85°C,储存相对湿度范围:20%至80%,非冷凝冷却:对流功率要求:最大2.1 A时:+5 V应用程序-继电器驱动器灯驱动器电磁阀驱动器液压锤驱动器步进电机驱动器双向可控硅驱动器LED驱动器高电流、高压驱动器光纤LED驱动器正/负真实订购信息-此电路板可与订购正或负真输出选项。数据转换(反演)由输出数据的选择决定闩锁。正真输出选项导致VMEbus逻辑一个用于打开相应的输出晶体管,其中为用户提供零电压。
Signal Conditioning Input Filter Terminator
Option: The board may be ordered with a variety of
input signal conditioning filter circuits. For differential
inputs, the circuit consists of a series resistor and
capacitor connected across the signal input (see
Figure 3); whereas, for single-ended inputs, the input
circuit can be jumpered to provide an input debounce
filter (see the Ordering Options).
Absolute Maximum Input Voltage: ±60 V sustained
Number of I/O Ports: Four (8 bits per port)
Input/Output Control: Each port is individually
selectable to be input or output via jumpers or under
software controBuilt-in-Test Features: This board is designed with
internal self-test logic. CMOS buffers connect the
Output Data Registers (ODRs) directly to the input
voltage comparators to generate comparator offsets that
may be used as a health test during off-line operation.
The VMIVME-2534 also supports real-time testing of
output drivers and/or input voltage comparators for
fault detection and isolation to the board/bit level.
Control and Status Register (CSR): One CSR is
provided to control the front panel Fail LED and
internal Built-in-Test features.
Fail LED: A front panel Fail LED is provided which
can be turned ON and OFF under program control. This
LED is illuminated at power on and system reset.
Temperature Range: 0 to 55 °C, operating
-20 to 85 °C, storage
Relative Humidity Range: 20 to 80 percent,
Cooling: Convection
Power Requirements: +5 V at 2.1 A maximum
Relay drivers
Lamp drivers
Solenoid drivers
Hammer drivers
Stepper motor drivers
Triac drivers
LED drivers
High-current, high-voltage drivers
INFORMATION — This board may be ordered with
positive or negative true output options. The data conversion
(inversion) is determined by the selection of output data
A positive true output option causes a VMEbus logical
one to turn the corresponding output transistor ON, which
supplies the user with zero volts.