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TRICONEX 17-550544-001B

TRICONEX 17-550544-001B

TRICONEX 17-550544-001B工控卡件,FTA-544说明书文档SRTP连接保持打开状态IP地址更改后以太网接口不会在之前终止所有打开的SRTP连接更改其IP地址。一旦本地IP地址发生更改,任何现有的TCP连接无法正常终止。这会留下SRTP连接打开,直到其底层TCP连接超时。如果更快需要恢复SRTP连接,修改“wkal_idle”高级用户参数将TCP保持活动计时器降低到所需的最大时...

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TRICONEX 17-550544-001B

    TRICONEX 17-550544-001B工控卡件,FTA-544说明书文档


    FTA-544 17-550544-001B -1.jpg

    TRICONEX 17-550544-001B工控卡件参见TCP/IP以太网通信对于PACSystems,请参阅GFK-2224以了解详细信息。用于生成EGD的CPU时间时间标记通过CHTIME命令更改以太网接口时间不会影响从该以太网接口生成的EGD交换中的时间戳值。这个EGD时间戳值反映当前CPU时间。90-70系列产品和90-30系列CPU364、EGD时间戳取自以太网接口并且确实反映了CHTIME修改。ENIU运行模式期间的过时数据EGD存储在运行20 ENIUs的大型PPS系统中,当执行运行模式存储时这将删除10个ENIUs的EGD交换,另一个ENIUs将看到其交换上的状态指示RMS期间的消耗超时。在完成RMS后,交换机正常运行。Internet Explorer 8可能需要使用Web时设置更改RX7i页面使用Internet Explorer 8时,可能需要禁用弹出窗口阻止程序使用随RX7i以太网固件提供的网页。要禁用弹出窗口阻止程序,在Internet Explorer工具栏中,选择工具->弹出窗口拦截器->关闭弹出拦截器注意:如果你安装了谷歌工具栏,谷歌弹出窗口拦截器可能会也必须禁用。使用Internet时,可能还需要禁用配置脚本浏览器8。在工具栏中选择“Internet选项”。在“Internet选项”对话框中单击“连接”选项卡,单击“LAN设置”按钮,并确保该框在“自动检测设置”旁边有一个复选框。如果没有,请单击该框


    SRTP connections remain open

    after IP address changed

    The Ethernet Interface does not terminate all open SRTP connections before

    changing its IP address. Once the local IP address has changed, any existing open

    TCP connections are unable to normally terminate. This can leave SRTP

    connections open until their underlying TCP connections time out. If quicker

    recovery of the SRTP connection is needed, modify the “wkal_idle” Advanced User

    Parameter to reduce the TCP keep alive timer down to the desired maximum time

    for holding open the broken connection. Refer to TCP/IP Ethernet Communications

    for PACSystems, GFK-2224, for details.

    CPU Time Used for Produced EGD


    Changing the Ethernet interface time via the CHTIME command does not affect the

    timestamp value within EGD exchanges produced from this Ethernet interface. The

    EGD timestamp value reflects the current CPU time. In Series 90-70 products and

    the Series 90-30 CPU364, EGD timestamps are taken from the Ethernet interface

    and do reflect CHTIME modifications.

    ENIU Stale Data During Run Mode

    Store of EGD

    In a large PPS system running 20 ENIUs, when a Run-mode Store is performed

    that deletes the EGD exchanges for 10 of the ENIUs, the other ENIUs will see the

    status on their exchanges indicate consumption timeouts during the RMS. At the

    completion of the RMS, the exchanges operate normally.

    Internet Explorer 8 may require

    setting changes when using Web

    pages on RX7i

    It may be required to disable the pop-up blocker when using Internet Explorer 8

    with the Web pages supplied with the RX7i Ethernet firmware. To disable the

    pop-up blocker, in the Internet Explorer toolbar, select Tools->Pop-up

    Blocker->Turn Off Pop-up Blocker

    Note: If you have the Google toolbar installed, the Google pop-up blocker may

    also have to be disabled.

    It may also be required to disable configuration scripts when using Internet

    Explorer 8. In the Toolbar select Internet Options. In the Internet Options dialog box

    click the “Connections” tab, click the “LAN settings” button, and make sure the box

    beside “Automatically detect settings” has a check in it. If it does not, click the box

    next to “Automatically detect settings” to enable this setting.







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