EMG ECU01工控触摸屏如何使用
远程Station Manager访问是直到车站经理禁用密码已更改用户应将station manager密码更改为默认密码以外的密码暗语远程station manager访问被禁用,直到station manager密码更改为非默认密码。可以使用AUP文件更改station manager密码。(参见TCP/IP以太网中的附录A,“配置高级用户参数”《PACSystems通信用户手册》,GFK-2224K。
EMG ECU01工控触摸屏如何使用一个TTL值配置用于所有EGD组系统仅接受一种TTL值配置。如果您单独配置TTL值对于每个EGD组,将为所有组配置最小TTL值EGD组。FTP攻击防护和Web服务器当FTP连接未使用时,应设置FTP服务器的数量到0。这可以防止对FTP服务器的攻击。同样,当网页未使用时,Web服务器的数量应为设置为0。
要设置这些参数,请转至以太网模块的设置选项卡Proficy机器版中的配置。设置最大Web服务器连接数和到0的最大FTPServer连接数。IP地址的配置为使用以太网之前需要通信CPU模块内的以太网接口无法在网络上运行,直到配置了有效的IP地址。必要的以太网寻址信息必须在实际网络运行之前进行配置,或从无意中恢复更改以太网接口处的以太网寻址数据。使用其中一个初始分配IP地址的方法如下:▪ 将串行终端连接到PAC系统的Station Manager端口RX7i。然后使用CHSOSW命令输入所需的IP地址。对于有关详细信息,请参阅PACSystems TCP/IP Communications Station Manager手册,GFK-2225。
▪ 通过使用SetIP工具临时为模块分配IP地址以太网。有关详细信息,请参阅TCP/IP以太网通信PACSystems,GFK-2224。▪ 以太网接口自动从网络上的BOOTP服务器。有关详细信息,请参阅TCP/IP以太网PAC系统通信,GFK-2224。
Remote Station Manager access is
disabled until the Station manager
password is changed
The user should change the station manager password to other than the default
password. Remote station manager access is disabled until the station manager
password is changed to other than the default password.
The station manager password can be changed using an AUP file. (Refer to
Appendix A, “Configuring Advanced User Parameters” in TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications for PACSystems User’s Manual, GFK-2224K.)
One TTL value configuration for all
EGD groups
The system accepts only one TTL value configuration. If you configure separate
TTL values for each EGD group, the minimum TTL value will be configured for all
EGD groups. Protection against attack on FTP
and Web servers
When the FTP connection is not in use, the number of FTP servers should be set
to 0. This protects against attack on FTP Server.
Likewise, when Web pages are not in use, the number of Web servers should be
set to 0.
To set these parameters, go to the Settings tab of the Ethernet Module
configuration in Proficy Machine Edition. Set Max Web Server Connections and
Max FTPServer Connections to 0.
Configuration of IP address is
required before using Ethernet
The Ethernet Interface within the CPU module cannot operate on a network until a
valid IP address is configured. The necessary Ethernet addressing information
must be configured prior to actual network operation, or to recover from inadvertent
changes to the Ethernet addressing data at the Ethernet Interface. Use one of the
following methods to initially assign an IP address:
▪ Connect a serial terminal to the Station Manager port of the PACSystems
RX7i. Then use the CHSOSW command to enter the desired IP address. For
details, see the PACSystems TCP/IP Communications Station Manager
manual, GFK-2225.
▪ Temporarily assign an IP address to the module using the SetIP tool over the
Ethernet network. For details, see TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for
PACSystems, GFK-2224.
▪ The Ethernet Interface automatically obtains a temporary IP Address from a
BOOTP server on the network. For details, see TCP/IP Ethernet