TRICONEX 9753-1怎么使用模块
扫描模式优先级为(从最高优先级到最低优先级列出)STOP HALT,停止故障、停止并运行。(注意:IO启用/禁用状态不是模式优先级评估的一部分。)例如,CPU处于运行IO启用状态模式,执行SVC_REQ 13功能块,将CPU置于停止状态IO禁用模式。在停止IO禁用的转换完成之前,运行/停止开关从启用运行IO更改为禁用运行IO。
TRICONEX 9753-1怎么使用模块在这种情况下,CPU忽略来自运行/停止开关的新请求,以转到运行IO禁用模式,因为它已经在处理要转到的请求停止IO禁用模式和停止模式的优先级高于运行模式
在以下情况下不更新所有64点:更新了16个以上的频道VDD或VME-1182A模块在16组之间有一些串扰当更新超过16个通道时。一些频道播放根据其他通道的状态,间歇性地出现不正确的状态。确实如此只有一组16个通道更新时不会发生。▪ 必须使用Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.8或更高版本来执行EGD交换和冗余传输列表的运行模式存储。▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.7或更高版本必须用于5.00版新功能
▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 Service Pack 2或更高版本必须用于4.00版的新功能。
▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.0 Service Pack 3或更高版本必须用于为Modbus/TCP服务器操作编程RX7i。SRTP和EGD性能不同来自90-70系列RX7i中的SRTP和EGD性能与90-70系列略有不同。
每个RX7i以太网接口支持更多的SRTP连接和EGD交易所。还请注意,RX7i目前有几个SRTP和EGD可操作与90-70系列相比的限制。迁移Series 90-70时以太网应用到RX7i,请仔细阅读“以太网操作第16页的“注释”部分。90-70系列LAN接口模块(IC697CMM741和IC697CMM742)RX7i不支持请注意,90-70系列LAN接口模块(IC697CMM741和IC697CMM742)不受RX7i支持,不应放置在RX7i机架。RX7i CPU包含嵌入式以太网接口。如果额外需要以太网接口,RX7i以太网模块(IC698ETM001)应使用。CIMPLICITY*工厂版要求CIMPLICITY Plant Edition 6.1 Service Pack 1a,更新为040204\u s90tcp\u 6101或Service Pack 2或更高版本必须用于与的以太网通信PAC系统。
The sweep mode priorities are (listed from highest to lowest priority) STOP HALT,
STOP FAULT, STOP, and RUN. (Note: The IO ENABLED/DISABLED state is not
part of the mode priority evaluation.) For example, a CPU is in RUN IO ENABLED
mode and a SVC_REQ 13 function block is executed to place the CPU into STOP
IO DISABLED mode. Before the transition to STOP IO DISABLED is completed,
the RUN/STOP switch is changed from RUN IO ENABLED to RUN IO DISABLED.
In this case, the CPU ignores the new request from the RUN/STOP switch to go to
RUN IO DISABLED mode because it is already processing a request to go to
STOP IO DISABLED mode and STOP mode has a higher priority than RUN
Suspend IO function block does not
suspend EGD
In a Series 90-70 the SUSPEND_IO function block suspends EGD in addition to
IO Scan. In PACSystems controllers the SUSPEND IO only suspends IO Scan.
The VDD100 or VME-1182A module
does not update all 64 points when
more than 16 channels are updated
The VDD or VME-1182A module has some crosstalk between groups of 16
channels, when more than 16 channels are updated. Some channels show
incorrect status intermittently, based on the status of other channels. This does
not happen when only one group of 16 channels is updated.▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.8 or later must be used to perform
Run-mode Store of EGD exchanges and Redundancy Transfer Lists.
▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.7 or later must be used for
Release 5.00 new features
▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 Service Pack 2 or later must be
used for Release 4.00 new features.
▪ Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.0 Service Pack 3 or later must be
used to program the RX7i for Modbus/TCP Server operation.
SRTP and EGD performance differs
from Series 90-70
SRTP and EGD performance in the RX7i differs slightly from the Series 90-70.
Each RX7i Ethernet Interface supports a greater number of SRTP connections
and EGD exchanges.
Please also note that the RX7i currently has several SRTP and EGD operational
restrictions when compared to the Series 90-70. When migrating Series 90-70
Ethernet applications to the RX7i, please carefully read the "Ethernet Operational
Notes” section on page 16.
Series 90-70 LAN Interface Modules
(IC697CMM741 and IC697CMM742)
not supported by RX7i
Please note that the Series 90-70 LAN Interface Modules (IC697CMM741 and
IC697CMM742) are not supported by the RX7i and should not be placed in an
RX7i rack. The RX7i CPU contains an embedded Ethernet Interface. If additional
Ethernet Interfaces are required, the RX7i Ethernet Module (IC698ETM001)
should be used.
CIMPLICITY* Plant Edition version
CIMPLICITY Plant Edition 6.1 Service Pack 1a with Update 040204_s90tcp_6101
or Service Pack 2 or later must be used for Ethernet communications with