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TRICONEX 9662-810

TRICONEX 9662-810

TRICONEX 9662-810端子使用方法发送到给定电路板的大量COMMREQ(通常大于8)相同的扫描可能会导致控制器中记录模块软件故障故障表。也将设置功能块。为了防止这种情况,向给定的电路板应分布在多个扫描中,以便只有有限的向每个电路板中的给定电路板发送的COMMREQ数量(通常为8个或更少)打扫此外,应检查FT输出参数是否存在错误。如果设置FT输出(意味着检测到错误),COMMREQ可以由...

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TRICONEX 9662-810

    TRICONEX 9662-810端子使用方法



    TRICONEX 9662-810端子使用方法C块标准数学函数do未设置错误否在C块中,标准数学函数(例如sqrt、pow、asin、acos)不设置errno如果输入无效,则不要返回正确的值假如在极少数情况下,VDD100、VAL132或VME-1182A模块可能无法配置在电力在很短的时间内反复循环之后。IO丢失将产生模块故障。在极少数情况下,这也可能导致其他模块无法配置,不会产生额外的模块故障损失。这些额外的故障可能导致与以太网接口的通信失败。用户可以通过关闭电源至少5分钟来从这两种情况中恢复秒,然后恢复电源。这将提供足够的“休息时间”,以确保所有模块都能正常通电。

    模块在固件期间未重置升级RX7i当前不会在故障后重置系统中的任何其他模块固件升级。这可能会导致模块故障丢失智能模块。无法通过进行通信一些第三方序列卡PACS系统串行端口不适用于某些第三方串行卡。的COMMREQ状态不正确程序名无效PACSystems的程序名始终为“LDPROG1”。当另一个程序名用于COMMREQ访问%L内存,错误是生成的是05D5,它是无效的块名。停止和运行模式转换优先事项PACSystems CPU接收在停止和运行模式之间切换的请求来自许多不同的来源。这些包括(但不限于)利润机器版、HMIs、用户应用程序和运行/停止开关。自从模式更改请求有许多潜在来源,可以在另一个模式更改请求正在进行时接收新的模式更改请求。出现这种情况时,CPU评估新模式更改请求的优先级正在进行模式更改。如果新模式更改请求具有与已在进行的优先级相同或更高,CPU转换为新模式,而不是正在进行的模式。然而,如果新模式改变请求的优先级低于正在进行的请求,新模式请求为丢弃,CPU完成正在进行的模式更改。

    A large number of COMMREQs (typically greater than 8) sent to a given board in

    the same sweep may cause Module Software faults to be logged in the Controller

    fault table. The fault group is MOD_OTHR_SOFTWR (16t, 10h) and the error

    code is COMMREQ_MB_FULL_START (2). When this occurs, the “FT” output of

    the function block will also be set. To prevent this situation, COMMREQs issued to

    a given board should be spread across multiple sweeps so that only a limited

    number (typically 8 or less) of COMMREQs are sent to a given board in each

    sweep. In addition, the FT output parameter should be checked for errors. If the

    FT output is set (meaning an error has been detected), the COMMREQ could be

    re-issued by the application logic.

    C Block standard math functions do

    not set errno

    In C Blocks, standard math functions (e.g. sqrt, pow, asin, acos) do not set errno

    to the correct value and do not return the correct value if an invalid input is

    provided.In rare instances, a VDD100, VAL132, or VME-1182A module may not configure

    after power has cycled repeatedly in a very brief period of time. A Loss of IO

    Module fault will be generated.

    In extremely rare instances, this may also cause other modules to fail to configure,

    without generating additional loss of module faults. These additional failures may

    cause communication with the Ethernet Interface to fail.

    The user can recover from either of these cases by turning off power for at least 5

    seconds and then restoring power. This will provide sufficient "off-time" to ensure

    that all modules can power up properly.

    Modules not reset during firmware


    The RX7i currently does not reset any other modules in the system after a

    firmware upgrade. This may result in Loss of module faults being generated for

    smart modules.

    Unable to communicate through

    some third party serial cards

    PACS Systems serial ports do not work with some third party serial cards.

    Incorrect COMMREQ status for

    invalid program name

    The program name for PACSystems is always "LDPROG1". When another

    program name is used in a COMMREQ accessing %L memory, the error that is

    generated is a 05D5, which is an invalid block name.

    STOP and RUN mode transition


    The PACSystems CPU receives requests to change between stop and run mode

    from many different sources. These include (but are not limited to) Proficy

    Machine Edition, HMIs, the user application, and the RUN/STOP switch. Since

    there are many potential sources for a mode change request, it is possible to

    receive a new mode change request while another is already in progress.

    When this occurs, the CPU evaluates the priority of the new mode change request

    with the mode change that is in progress. If the new mode change request has an

    equal or higher priority than the one already in progress, the CPU transitions to

    the new mode instead of the one in progress. If, however, the new mode change

    request has a lower priority than the one in progress, the new mode request is

    discarded and the CPU completes the mode change that is in progress.







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