多功能开关(可复位保险丝)MVME2700基板使用带保险丝的+5V DC、+12V DC和–来自VMEbus背板的12V直流电源,通过连接器P1和P2.3.3V DC和2.5V DC电源由车载+5V直流电。下表列出了保险丝及其保护电压。笔记1、复位时,灯测试功能点亮所有LED。2.因为FUS LED监控MVME2700,它不直接指示任何单个保险丝如果LED闪烁或熄灭,请检查所有保险丝(多开关)。
3BSE018172R1控制器模块输入/输出功率MVME2700基板提供+12V DC和(在MVME761输入/输出中版本)–通过多功能开关向过渡模块提供12V直流电源(可复位保险丝)F2和F3。这些电压源为串行端口驱动程序和连接到转换的任何LAN收发器单元保险丝+5V直流电源通过多功能开关F1提供给
基板的键盘和鼠标连接器与14针相结合LED夹层/远程重置接头J1。上的FUS LED(DS5)当所有三种电压都可用时,MVME2700前面板点亮。在MVME712M输入/输出模式下,MVME712M上的黄色DS1 LED也发出+12V直流LAN电源可用性的信号,反过来表明多功能开关F2良好。如果以太网收发器无法工作,请检查多功能开关F2。在MVME712M输入/输出模式下,MVME2700提供SCSI终端通过P2适配器板上的1A保险丝(F1)供电。如果保险丝如果SCSI设备损坏,则SCSI设备可能无法正常工作或根本无法正常工作。和P2适配器板,通过电缆连接到转换模块,并带有SCSI总线连接到转换模块,模块上的绿色SCSI指示灯SCSI终端电源可用时亮起。如果SCSI指示灯亮起转换模块在SCSI总线操作期间闪烁,检查保险丝F1是否接通P2适配器板。注意,因为SCSI总线上的任何设备都可以提供TERMPWR,并且因为MVME2700上的FUS LED监控在几个电压下,LED不会直接指示情况任何单个保险丝。如果LED闪烁或熄灭,请检查所有保险丝(多开关)。在MVME761输入/输出模式下,MVME2700提供SCSI终端电源通过P2适配器板上的多功能开关(可复位保险丝)。扬声器控制MVME2700基板向14针提供扬声器输出信号组合LED夹层/远程重置接头J1。当J1用作移除LED夹层的远程重置连接器扬声器输出信号可以通过电缆连接到外部扬声器以获得蜂鸣音语气关于J1的引脚分配,请参阅表4-1
Polyswitches (Resettable Fuses)
The MVME2700 base board draws fused +5V DC, +12V DC, and
–12V DC power from the VMEbus backplane through connectors P1 and
P2. The 3.3V DC and 2.5V DC power is derived on-board from the
+5V DC. The following table lists the fuses with the voltages they protect.Notes
1. At reset, a lamp test function illuminates all the LEDs.
2. Because the FUS LED monitors the status of several voltages on the
MVME2700, it does not directly indicate the condition of any single
fuse. If the LED flickers or goes out, check all the fuses
(polyswitches).I/O Power
The MVME2700 base board furnishes +12V DC and (in MVME761 I/O
versions) –12V DC power to the transition module through polyswitches
(resettable fuses) F2 and F3 respectively. These voltage sources power the
serial port drivers and any LAN transceivers connected to the transition
module. Fused +5V DC power is supplied through polyswitch F1to the
base board’s keyboard and mouse connectors and to the 14-pin combined
LED-mezzanine/remote-reset connector, J1. The FUS LED (DS5) on the
MVME2700 front panel illuminates when all three voltages are available.
In MVME712M I/O mode, the yellow DS1 LED on the MVME712M also
signals the availability of +12V DC LAN power, indicating in turn that
polyswitch F2 is good. If the Ethernet transceiver fails to operate, check
polyswitch F2.
In MVME712M I/O mode, the MVME2700 supplies SCSI terminator
power through a 1A fuse (F1) located on the P2 adapter board. If the fuse
is blown, the SCSI device(s) may function erratically or not at all. With the
P2 adapter board cabled to a transition module and with an SCSI bus
connected to the transition module, the green SCSI LED on the module
illuminates when SCSI terminator power is available. If the SCSI LED on
the transition module flickers during SCSI bus operation, check fuse F1 on
the P2 adapter board.Note Because any device on the SCSI bus can provide TERMPWR, and
because the FUS LED on the MVME2700 monitors the status of
several voltages, the LED does not directly indicate the condition
of any single fuse. If the LED flickers or goes out, check all the
fuses (polyswitches).
In MVME761 I/O mode, the MVME2700 supplies SCSI terminator power
through a polyswitch (resettable fuse) located on the P2 adapter board.
Speaker Control
The MVME2700 base board supplies a SPEAKER_OUT signal to the 14-pin
combined LED-mezzanine/remote-reset connector, J1. When J1 is used as
a remote reset connector with the LED mezzanine removed, the
SPEAKER_OUT signal can be cabled to an external speaker to obtain a beep
tone. For the pin assignments of J1, refer to Table 4-1.