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SR745-W2-P5-G5-HI-A继电保护器,GE配置教程特殊重启模式。请参阅特定正确模式的诊断。2.PPCBug上不提供标有星号(*)的测试集3.1及更早版本。概述您可以使用工厂安装的调试监视器PPCBug来修改PowerPC板非易失性RAM中包含的某些参数(NVRAM),也称为电池备份RAM(BBRAM)。❏ NVRAM中的板信息块包含各种与硬件操作参数有关的元素。使用PPCBug命令CN...

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    特殊重启模式。请参阅特定正确模式的诊断。2.PPCBug上不提供标有星号(*)的测试集3.1及更早版本。概述您可以使用工厂安装的调试监视器PPCBug来修改PowerPC板非易失性RAM中包含的某些参数(NVRAM),也称为电池备份RAM(BBRAM)。❏ NVRAM中的板信息块包含各种与硬件操作参数有关的元素。使用PPCBug命令CNFG更改这些参数。


    SR745-W2-P5-G5-HI-A继电保护器❏ 使用PPCBug命令ENV更改可配置的PPCBugNVRAM中的参数。CNFG和ENV命令均在PPCBug中描述附录D中列出的固件包用户手册,相关文档请参阅该手册,了解其使用和功能。以下段落提供了有关CNFG和特定于PPCBug调试器的ENV以及参数可以使用ENV命令配置。CNFG–配置电路板信息块使用此命令显示和配置电路板信息块,它位于NVRAM内。电路板信息块包含各种元素,详细说明了PowerPC板。PowerPC板的板结构如所示MVME2600的以下示例:引用的参数是左对齐字符(ASCII)字符串用空格字符填充,并显示引号(“)以指示字符串的大小。未引用的参数被视为数据字符串和数据字符串右对齐。填充数据字符串如果不满足长度,则使用零。电路板信息块在出厂前已配置。无需修改块参数,除非NVRAM已损坏。请参阅附录D中列出的程序员参考指南,有关实际位置和其他信息的相关文件关于电路板信息块。有关说明,请参阅PPCBug固件包用户手册CNFG和示例。ENV–设置环境使用ENV命令以交互方式查看和/或配置所有PPCBug保存在非易失性RAM(NVRAM)中的操作参数。有关说明,请参阅PPCBug固件包用户手册ENV的使用。宇宙中寄存器的附加信息影响这些参数的ASIC包含在PowerPC板中程序员参考指南。下面列出并描述了您可以配置的参数使用环境。显示的默认值是在以下情况下生效的值:出版物已付印。配置PPCBug参数可以使用ENV配置的参数包括:错误或系统环境[B/S]=B?现场服务菜单启用[是/否]=否?B Bug是指没有系统类型支持的模式显示。然而,与系统相关的项目仍然是可获得的(默认)S系统是标准操作模式,是如果NVRAM出现故障,则为默认模式。系统模式为在PPCBug固件包用户手册中定义手册显示现场服务菜单。N不显示现场服务菜单。(默认)

    . Some diagnostics depend on restart defaults that are set up only in a

    particular restart mode. Refer to the documentation on a particular

    diagnostic for the correct mode.

    2. Test Sets marked with an asterisk (*) are not available on PPCBug

    release 3.1 and earlier.Overview

    You can use the factory-installed debug monitor, PPCBug, to modify

    certain parameters contained in the PowerPC board’s Non-Volatile RAM

    (NVRAM), also known as Battery Backed-up RAM (BBRAM).

    ❏ The Board Information Block in NVRAM contains various

    elements concerning operating parameters of the hardware. Use the

    PPCBug command CNFG to change those parameters.

    ❏ Use the PPCBug command ENV to change configurable PPCBug

    parameters in NVRAM.

    The CNFG and ENV commands are both described in the PPCBug

    Firmware Package User’s Manual, listed in Appendix D, Related

    Documentation. Refer to that manual for general information about their

    use and capabilities.

    The following paragraphs present additional information about CNFG and

    ENV that is specific to the PPCBug debugger, along with the parameters

    that can be configured with the ENV command.CNFG – Configure Board Information Block

    Use this command to display and configure the Board Information Block,

    which is resident within the NVRAM. The board information block

    contains various elements detailing specific operational parameters of the

    PowerPC board. The board structure for the PowerPC board is as shown in

    the following example for an MVME2600:

    The parameters that are quoted are left-justified character (ASCII) strings

    padded with space characters, and the quotes (") are displayed to indicate

    the size of the string. Parameters that are not quoted are considered data

    strings, and data strings are right-justified. The data strings are padded

    with zeroes if the length is not met.

    The Board Information Block is factory-configured before shipment.

    There is no need to modify block parameters unless the NVRAM is


    Refer to the Programmer’s Reference Guide, listed in Appendix D,

    Related Documentation, for the actual location and other information

    about the Board Information Block.

    Refer to the PPCBug Firmware Package User's Manual for a description

    of CNFG and examples.ENV – Set Environment

    Use the ENV command to view and/or configure interactively all PPCBug

    operational parameters that are kept in Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM).

    Refer to the PPCBug Firmware Package User’s Manual for a description

    of the use of ENV. Additional information on registers in the Universe

    ASIC that affect these parameters is contained in your PowerPC board

    programmer’s reference guide.

    Listed and described below are the parameters that you can configure

    using ENV. The default values shown were those in effect when this

    publication went to print.

    Configuring the PPCBug Parameters

    The parameters that can be configured using ENV are:

    Bug or System environment [B/S] = B?

    Field Service Menu Enable [Y/N] = N?

    B Bug is the mode where no system type of support is

    displayed. However, system-related items are still

    available. (Default)

    S System is the standard mode of operation, and is the

    default mode if NVRAM should fail. System mode is

    defined in the PPCBug Firmware Package User’s


    Y Display the field service menu.

    N Do not display the field service menu. (Default)







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