一般说明MVME2603/2604是一种配备VME模块的单板计算机使用PowerPC系列微处理器。MVME2603配备PowerPC 603微处理器;MVME2604具有PowerPC 604。256KB二级缓存(二级二级缓存)可作为所有版本上的选项。如功能部分所示,MVME2603/2604提供了许多计算机系统中需要的标准特性,如同步异步串行端口、并行端口、引导ROM和DRAM、SCSI、,以太网,支持外部磁盘驱动器以及键盘和鼠标支持单槽VME包。
DT602转速计其灵活的夹层该架构允许相对轻松地升级内存和功能。MVME2603/2604系列的一个关键特性是PCI(外围设备组件互连)总线。除了车载本地总线外围设备,PCI总线支持行业标准的夹层接口,IEEE P1386.1 PMC(PCI夹层卡)。PMC模块提供通过FDDI(光纤)进行输入/输出扩展的各种可能性分布式数据接口),ATM(异步传输模式),图形、以太网或SCSI端口。基板支持PMC前端面板输入/输出。还可以通过PMC进行额外扩展承载板。SCSI接口MVME2603/2604 VME模块支持大容量存储子系统通过行业标准SCSI总线。这些子系统可能包括硬盘和软盘驱动器、流式磁带驱动器和其他大容量存储设备。SCSI接口使用Symbios 53C825A实现SCSI输入/输出控制器,时钟速度为40 MHz。SCSI输入/输出控制器直接连接到PCI本地总线。MVME2603/2604通过P2连接器将其SCSI线路路由到MVME712M过渡模块(如第页图1-21所示1-47). SCSI控制线路具有过滤网络,以将影响降至最低P2处的VMEbus信号噪声。
SCSI总线在不支持扩大请参阅附录D中列出的MVME712M用户手册,SCSI连接器引脚分配的相关文档用于过渡模块。请参阅Symbios 53C825A数据手册有关详细的编程信息,请参见附录D,相关文档
General Description
The MVME2603/2604 is a VME module single board computer equipped
with a PowerPC Series microprocessor. The MVME2603 is equipped with
a PowerPC 603 microprocessor; the MVME2604 has a PowerPC 604.
256KB L2 cache (level 2 secondary cache memory) is available as an
option on all versions.
As shown in the Features section, The MVME2603/2604 offers many
standard features desirable in a computer system—such as synchronous
and asynchronous serial ports, parallel port, boot ROM and DRAM, SCSI,
Ethernet, support for an external disk drive, and keyboard and mouse
support—in a single-slot VME package. Its flexible mezzanine
architecture allows relatively easy upgrades in memory and functionality.
A key feature of the MVME2603/2604 family is the PCI (Peripheral
Component Interconnect) bus. In addition to the on-board local bus
peripherals, the PCI bus supports an industry-standard mezzanine
interface, IEEE P1386.1 PMC (PCI Mezzanine Card). PMC modules offer
a variety of possibilities for I/O expansion through FDDI (Fiber
Distributed Data Interface), ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode),
graphics, Ethernet, or SCSI ports. The base board supports PMC front
panel I/O. There is also provision for additional expansion via a PMC
carrier board.SCSI Interface
The MVME2603/2604 VME module supports mass storage subsystems
through the industry-standard SCSI bus. These subsystems may include
hard and floppy disk drives, streaming tape drives, and other mass storage
devices. The SCSI interface is implemented using the Symbios 53C825A
SCSI I/O controller at a clock speed of 40 MHz. The SCSI I/O controller
connects directly to the PCI local bus.
The MVME2603/2604 routes its SCSI lines through the P2 connector to
the MVME712M transition module (as illustrated in Figure 1-21 on page
1-47). The SCSI control lines have filter networks to minimize the effects
of VMEbus signal noise at P2.
The SCSI bus is 16-bits wide in systems that support the VME64 extension
(that is, those equipped with 5-row, 160-pin VME backplane connectors).
The SCSI bus is 8-bits wide in VME systems that do not support the
extension. Refer to the MVME712M User’s Manual, listed in Appendix D,
Related Documentation, for the pin assignments of the SCSI connectors
used on the transition module. Refer to the Symbios 53C825A data manual
for detailed programming information, also listed in Appendix D, Related