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3BHE014135R0011控制模块,ABB使用过程串行端口4传输时钟配置(J17)在同步串行通信中,您可以在上配置串行端口4MVME2603/2604使用TxC信号提供的时钟信号线收割台J17将端口4配置为驱动或接收TxC。这个出厂配置将端口4设置为接收TxC。要完成串行端口4的配置,必须设置以下内容配置标头:❏ J16(串行端口4接收时钟配置)❏ J20(串口4发送时钟接收器缓冲控制)3BH...

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    ❏ J16(串行端口4接收时钟配置)❏ J20(串口4发送时钟接收器缓冲控制)

    UAD149 3BHE014135R0011 UAD149A00-0-11.jpg

    3BHE014135R0011控制模块❏ MVME712M过渡模块上的J15或MVME761上的J3转换模块(串行端口4时钟配置)图1-9和图1-10(适用于MVME712M)以及图1-14和图1-15(对于MVME761)显示了整体跳线设置串行端口的MVME2603/2604和转换模块上需要4 DCE或DTE配置。


    MVME2603/2604或过渡模块:❏ MVME712M兼容版本的基板上的J16(串行端口4接收时钟配置)❏ J17(串行端口4传输时钟配置)❏ J20(串行端口4发送时钟接收器缓冲控制)开启MVME712M兼容版本的基板❏ MVME712M过渡模块上的J15或MVME761上的J3(串行端口4时钟配置)与发射时钟接收器缓冲器(由报头J20控制)相关联具有串行端口4。在J20上安装跳线可以启用缓冲区。正在删除跳线禁用缓冲器。出厂配置具有串行端口4缓冲区已启用。J20在MVME761兼容版本上保持开放。在MVME712M兼容版本上,J20与J17串联设置,以配置串行端口4传输时钟。如果其中一个偏离了出厂配置,那么必须另一个。

    图1-9和图1-10(适用于MVME712M)以及图1-14和图1-15(对于MVME761)显示了整体跳线设置串行端口的MVME2603/2604和转换模块上需要4 DCE或DTE配置。

    Serial Port 4 Transmit Clock Configuration (J17)

    In synchronous serial communications, you can configure Serial Port 4 on

    the MVME2603/2604 to use the clock signals provided by the TxC signal

    line. Header J17 configures port 4 to either drive or receive TxC. The

    factory configuration has port 4 set to receive TxC.

    To complete the configuration of Serial Port 4, you must set the following

    configuration headers as well:

    ❏ J16 (Serial Port 4 receive clock configuration)

    ❏ J20 (Serial Port 4 transmit clock receiver buffer control)

    ❏ J15 on the MVME712M transition module or J3 on the MVME761

    transition module (Serial Port 4 clock configuration)

    Figure 1-9 and Figure 1-10 (for the MVME712M) and Figure 1-14 and

    Figure 1-15 (for the MVME761) diagram the overall jumper settings

    required on the MVME2603/2604 and transition module for a Serial Port

    4 DCE or DTE configuration.

    For additional details on the configuration of those headers, refer to

    MVME712M Transition Module Preparation on page 1-14, MVME761

    Transition Module Preparation on page 1-25, or to the respective user’s

    manuals for the transition modules (listed in Appendix D, Related

    Documentation) as necessary.Serial Port 4 Transmit Clock Receiver Buffer Control (J20)

    As described in other sections, a complete configuration of Serial Port 4

    requires that you set the following jumper headers on the

    MVME2603/2604 or the transition module:

    ❏ J16 (Serial Port 4 receive clock configuration) on MVME712Mcompatible versions of the base board

    ❏ J17 (Serial Port 4 transmit clock configuration)

    ❏ J20 (Serial Port 4 transmit clock receiver buffer control) on

    MVME712M-compatible versions of the base board

    ❏ J15 on the MVME712M transition module or J3 on the MVME761

    (Serial Port 4 clock configuration)

    A transmit clock receiver buffer (controlled by header J20) is associated

    with Serial Port 4. Installing a jumper on J20 enables the buffer. Removing

    the jumper disables the buffer. The factory configuration has the Serial

    Port 4 buffer enabled.

    J20 remains open on MVME761-compatible versions. On MVME712Mcompatible versions, J20 is set in tandem with J17 to configure the Serial

    Port 4 transmit clock. If one deviates from the factory configuration, so

    must the other.

    Figure 1-9 and Figure 1-10 (for the MVME712M) and Figure 1-14 and

    Figure 1-15 (for the MVME761) diagram the overall jumper settings

    required on the MVME2603/2604 and transition module for a Serial Port

    4 DCE or DTE configuration







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