必须满足四个要求:1、必须刚刚通电(但ENV命令可以更改)这也会响应任何重置)。2、用户例程必须位于MVME197LE ROM内存中映射(但ENV命令可以将其更改为车载内存,甚至非车载VMEbus内存)。3.ASCII字符串“BOOT”必须位于指定内存中范围
Following this message there is approximately a thirty-second delay while the
debug firmware waits for the various controllers and drives to come up to
speed. Then the actual I/O is begun: the program pointed to within the
volume ID of the media specified is loaded into RAM and control passed to it.
If, however, during this time the user wants to gain control without Autoboot,
the <BREAK> key or the software ABORT or RESET switches can be pressed.
Autoboot is controlled by parameters contained in the ENV command. These
parameters allow the selection of specific boot devices and files, and allow
programming of the Boot delay. Refer to the ENV command in Appendix A for
more details.Although streaming tape can be used to autoboot, the same
power supply must be connected to the streaming tape
drive, controller, and the MVME197LE. At power-up, the
tape controller will position the streaming tape to load point
where the volume ID can correctly be read and used.
If, however, the MVME197LE loses power but the controller
does not, and the tape happens not to be at load point, the
sequences of commands required (attach and rewind)
cannot be given to the controller and autoboot will not be
This function is configured/enabled by the Environment (ENV) command and
executed at power-up (optionally also at reset) or by the RB command
assuming there is valid code in the flash memories (or optionally elsewhere on
the module or VMEbus) to support it. If ROMboot code is installed, a userwritten routine is given control (if the routine meets the format requirements).
One use of ROMboot might be resetting SYSFAIL* on an unintelligent
controller module. The NORB command disables the function.
For a user’s ROMboot module to gain control through the ROMboot linkage,
four requirements must be met:
1. Power must have just been applied (but the ENV command can change
this to also respond to any reset).
2. The user’s routine must be located within the MVME197LE ROM memory
map (but the ENV command can change this to any other portion of the
onboard memory, or even offboard VMEbus memory).
3. The ASCII string “BOOT” must be located within the specified memory
4. The user's routine must pass a checksum test, which ensures that this
routine was really intended to receive control at power-up.
For complete details on how to use ROMboot, refer to the MVME197BUG
197Bug Debugging Package User’s Manual.
Network Boot
Network Auto Boot is a software routine contained in the 197Bug that
provides a mechanism for booting an operating system using a network (local
Ethernet interface) as the boot device. The Network Auto Boot routine