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EPRO PR9376/010-011

EPRO PR9376/010-011

EPRO PR9376/010-011前置器电缆,PR9376/010-011说明书要采取的纠正措施类型取决于应用程序。如果发生错误在梯形图开发的启动或调试阶段,您应该验证COMMREQ参数。如果在程序运行后立即发生错误,则情况也是如此被改进的。但是,如果在已运行的经验证的应用程序中发生错误成功的话,问题更可能与硬件有关。PLC故障表在对状态字进行故障排除时,应检查可能的其他信息错误。EPRO P...

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EPRO PR9376/010-011

    EPRO PR9376/010-011前置器电缆,PR9376/010-011说明书


    PR9376010-011 -1.jpg

    EPRO PR9376/010-011前置器电缆字10指定的内存块的大小回应。COMMREQ在响应字段中具有内置的未来扩展空间。响应内存大小(包括未来扩展空间)为9个字。在固件1.12的当前版本,响应大小为2个字,只有2个字是写入内存。用户负责确保该区域足够大,可以包含请求的数据,而不覆盖其他应用程序数据。用户是负责确保该区域足够大,可以容纳请求的数据不覆盖其他应用程序数据。建议未来扩建初始分配空间,以避免将来固件升级使用2个以上时出现问题回答的文字。(字11)从编号:字11指定COMMREQ所在设备的地址正在从检索设备状态。如果主设备或不在总线上的从设备的地址输入时,将返回4的COMMREQ状态字响应。确定启动要写入响应的本地PLC中的地址。输入的值是内存类型和模式从PLC内存开始的偏移量(基于0)文字8中规定。该偏移量将以位、字节或字为单位,具体取决于指定模式(例如,如果字8=16,字9=2,则起始地址将be%I9)。值的有效范围取决于PLC的内存范围。

    The type of corrective action to take depends upon the application. If an error occurs 

    during the startup or debugging stage of ladder development, you should verify the 

    COMMREQ parameters. The same is true if an error occurs right after a program is 

    modified. But, if an error occurs in a proven application that has been running 

    successfully, the problem is more likely to be hardware-related. The PLC fault tables 

    should be checked for possible additional information when troubleshooting Status Word 

    errors. Word 10 specifies the size of the memory block for 

    the response. The COMMREQ has built-in future expansion space in the response field. 

    The Response Memory Size (including the future expansion space) is 9 words. In the 

    current version of firmware 1.12, the response size is 2 words and only 2 words are 

    written to memory. The user is responsible for assuring that this area is large enough to 

    contain the requested data without overwriting other application data. The user is 

    responsible for assuring that this area is large enough to contain the requested data 

    without overwriting other application data. It is recommended that the future expansion 

    space be allocated initially, to avoid problems if future firmware upgrades use more than 2 

    words for the response. 

    (Word 11) Slave Number: Word 11 specifies the address of the device the COMMREQ is 

    retrieving device status from. If the address of the master, or a slave that is not on the bus 

    is entered, a COMMREQ Status Word response of 4 will be returned. determines the starting 

    address in the local PLC in which the response is to be written. The value entered is the 

    offset (0-based) from the beginning of PLC memory for the memory type and mode 

    specified in Word 8. This offset will be either in bits, bytes, or words







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