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Flowserve F5-MEC

Flowserve F5-MEC

Flowserve F5-MEC模块,F5-MEC数据库用于90-30系列可编程逻辑的24伏交流/直流正极/负极输入模块控制器在一组中提供16个输入点,带有公共电源输入端子。这输入模块设计为在直流中具有正或负逻辑特性输入模式。该输入模块设计用于交流或直流用户输入。输入特性与广泛的用户提供的输入设备兼容,例如按钮、限位开关和电子接近开关。输入点电流在输入状态表(%I)中产生逻辑1。操作现场设备的功率...

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Flowserve F5-MEC

    Flowserve F5-MEC模块,F5-MEC数据库

    用于90-30系列可编程逻辑的24伏交流/直流正极/负极输入模块控制器在一组中提供16个输入点,带有公共电源输入端子。这输入模块设计为在直流中具有正或负逻辑特性输入模式。该输入模块设计用于交流或直流用户输入。输入特性与广泛的用户提供的输入设备兼容,例如按钮、限位开关和电子接近开关。输入点电流在输入状态表(%I)中产生逻辑1。操作现场设备的功率可以是由用户提供,或电源上的隔离+24 VDC输出(底部两个电源电源端子)可用于为有限数量的直流输入供电。

    F5-MEC -1(1).jpg

    Flowserve F5-MEC模块提供每个点的开/关状态的LED指示灯位于单元该LED块有两个水平行,每行有八个绿色LED;顶部标记为A1到8(点1到8)的行和标记为B1到8(点)的底行9至16)。铰链门的内外表面之间有一个插件。这个朝向模块内部的表面(铰链门关闭时)具有电路布线信息和电路识别信息可以记录在外表面上。这个插件左边缘外侧用蓝色编码,表示低压模块。这模块可以安装在90-30系列PLC中5或10插槽基板的任何输入/输出插槽中系统下图提供了连接用户提供的输入设备的接线信息和24伏交流/直流正极/负极逻辑输入模块的电源。


    The 24 volt AC/DC Positive/Negative Input module for the Series 90-30 Programmable Logic

    Controller provides 16 input points in one group with a common power input terminal. This

    input module is designed to have either positive or negative logic characteristics in the DC

    input mode. This input module is designed to function with AC or DC user inputs. Input

    characteristics are compatible with a wide range of user-supplied input devices, such as

    pushbuttons, limit switches, and electronic proximity switches. Current into an input point

    results in a logic 1 in the input status table (%I). Power to operate the field devices can be

    supplied by the user, or the Isolated +24 VDC output on the power supply (bottom two power

    supply terminals) can be used to power a limited number of DC inputs.

    LED indicators which provide the ON/OFF status of each point are located at the top of the

    module. This LED block has two horizontal rows with eight green LEDs in each row; the top

    row labeled A1 through 8 (points 1 through 8) and the bottom row labeled B1 through 8 (points

    9 through 16). An insert goes between the inside and outside surface of the hinged door. The

    surface towards the inside of the module (when the hinged door is closed) has circuit wiring

    information, and circuit identification information can be recorded on the outside surface. The

    outside left edge of the insert is color-coded blue to indicate a low-voltage module. This

    module can be installed in any I/O slot of a 5 or 10-slot baseplate in a Series 90-30 PLC

    system.The following figure provides wiring information for connecting user supplied input devices

    and power source to the 24 volt AC/DC positive/negative logic input module.







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