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GJR5251400R0202模块备件,GJR5251400R0202使用速度开放式以太网问题统计的SRTP请求数可能会有所不同当运行多个SRTP通道时,客户端和服务器报告的请求数,连接之间可能有所不同。重复IP地址的报告当CPU374检测到PLC上的重复IP地址时,不会记录PLC中的异常或故障网络(与CPU364不同)。重复的IP地址仅在STAT F输出中报告。如果客户端丢失,则CPU374服务...

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    开放式以太网问题统计的SRTP请求数可能会有所不同当运行多个SRTP通道时,客户端和服务器报告的请求数,连接之间可能有所不同。重复IP地址的报告当CPU374检测到PLC上的重复IP地址时,不会记录PLC中的异常或故障网络(与CPU364不同)。重复的IP地址仅在STAT F输出中报告。如果客户端丢失,则CPU374服务器上的TCP连接可能保持半开放状态如果与CPU374服务器的连接打开的SRTP客户端断电或重置,则服务器的TCP一旦客户端启动

    07DC91C GJR5251400R0202(1).jpg

    GJR5251400R0202模块备件,连接可能会保持打开状态很长一段时间(直到TCP保持活动计时器过期)重新启动并尝试重新打开通信。如果需要快速恢复连接,AUP对于TCP,应使用keep alive将keep alive计时器调整到所需的最长时间保持断开的连接。在CPU 374之间的大PING上发生大量IP重新组装故障当发送的ping足够大,需要一个以上的IP数据包(1466字节或更大)时,一个更大的将在客户端上看到超过预期的IP ReasmFai计数,并显示相应的“否”数字“及时响应”将在PING结果中看到错误。大型SRTP传输不具有相同的特性行为EGD消息始终适合单个数据包,因此不受此类问题的影响。REPP不保存中止PING的结果station manager REPP命令不会保留由于错误而中止的PING的结果。这个PING中止时会报告PING结果,但后续REPP命令会给出以下结果:最后一个成功终止PING。STAT C命令报告机架/插槽位置无效station manager STAT C命令报告CPU374位于机架0插槽15中,而不是机架0插槽1。多个日志事件以太网接口有时会生成多个异常日志事件和PLC故障表条目当出现单一错误情况时。在重复错误条件下,异常日志和/或PLC故障表中可以完全填充重复的错误消息。间歇性SNTP失步在中等重型EGD流量负载下,以太网接口偶尔可能会失去与的同步其SNTP时间服务器并生成异常日志事件29,条目2=bH。

    Open Ethernet Problems 

    Number of SRTP Requests Tallied May Vary 

    When running multiple SRTP channels, the number of requests, as reported by the client and the server, 

    may differ between the connections. 

    Reporting of Duplicate IP Address 

    The CPU374 does not log an exception or a fault in the PLC when it detects a duplicate IP address on the 

    network (unlike the CPU364). The duplicate IP address is reported in the STAT F output only. 

    TCP Connections May Remain Half-Open on CPU374 Server if Client is Lost 

    If an SRTP client with open connections to a CPU374 server is power cycled or reset, the server’s TCP 

    connection may remain open for a long time (until the TCP keep-alive timer expires) once the client is 

    restarted and attempts to reopen the communication. If quick recovery of the connection is needed, the AUP 

    for TCP keep alive should be used to adjust the keep alive timer down to the desired maximum time for 

    holding open the broken connection. 

    Large Number of IP Re-assembly Failures on Large PING Between CPU374s 

    When sending PINGs large enough to require more than one IP packet (1466 bytes or larger), a larger 

    number than expected of IP ReasmFai tallies will be seen on the client and a corresponding number of “no 

    timely response” errors will be seen in the PING results. Large SRTP transfers do not exhibit the same 

    behavior. EGD messages always fit in a single packet and thus are not subject to this kind of problem. 

    REPP Does Not Save Results of Aborted PING 

    The station manager REPP command does not retain the results of a PING that is aborted due to error. The 

    PING results are reported when the PING is aborted, but subsequent REPP commands give the results of 

    the last successfully terminated PING. 

    STAT C Command Reports Invalid Rack/Slot Location 

    The station manager STAT C command reports the CPU374 as being located in Rack 0 Slot 15 instead of 

    Rack 0 Slot 1. 







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