HIMA Z7138电缆,Z7138使用尺寸
PROFIBUS读/写请求COMMREQ数据大小读请求和写请求传输的数据大小COMMREQ始终以文字形式指定。IC693CPU366不能传输字节大小不能被2整除的数据。子板表示PROFIBUS子板是否从接收到无效配置机器版,子板状态可能会以CONFIG_失败,只能通过通电循环恢复。PROFIBUS LED将继续闪烁,表示没有配置存在。
HIMA Z7138电缆带短路的LED操作电路总线当PROFIBUS系统的A线和B线短接在一起时PROFIBUS主机内将出现总线短路情况。此情况将由位于上的COM和SYS LED指示模块的前部。只要一个总线短路仍然存在。COM LED将为绿色并闪烁红色取决于短路的严重程度。原因是总线控制器仍在尝试通信。短路条件当PLC处于运行状态并与至少一个从机。CPU366超过5秒的预热通电时间。平均值使用CPU366观察到的预热通电时间约为7秒。后子板丢失快速硬件配置存储重复下载硬件配置的速度比子板可以处理PROFIBUS配置(在LED指示网络正常),最终可能导致子板故障。如果出现这种情况,请关闭CPU以进行恢复。
Request COMMREQ Data
The size of data transferred by the Read Request and Write Request
COMMREQs is always specified in words. The IC693CPU366 cannot
transfer data with a byte size that is not evenly divisible by two.
Daughterboard States If the PROFIBUS daughterboard receives an invalid configuration from
Machine Edition, the daughterboard state may end up in
CONFIG_FAILED, which can only be recovered from by a power cycle.
The PROFIBUS LED will continue to blink, indicating that no
configuration exists.
LED Operation with Short
Circuit Bus
When the A and B lines of the PROFIBUS system are shorted together
a bus short circuit condition will occur within the PROFIBUS Master.
This condition will be indicated by the COM and SYS LEDs located on
the front of the module. The SYS LED will be Solid Red as long as a
bus short remains. The COM LED will be Green and Flash RED
depending on the severity of the short. The reason for this is that the
bus controller is still attempting to communicate. Short circuit conditions
that can occur when the PLC is in Run and actively communicating with
at least one slave.The CPU366 exceeds the 5-second warm power up time. The average
warm power up time observed with the CPU366 is approximately 7
Loss of daughterboard after
rapid HW Config Stores
Repeatedly downloading a hardware configuration faster than the
daughterboard can process the PROFIBUS configuration (before the
LEDs indicate network OK), can eventually lead to a loss of
daughterboard fault. Should this occur, power cycle the CPU to recover.