TRICONEX 9662-610模拟量端子板,9662-610中文使用说明
AAUI(收发器)端口14针AAUI端口通过IEEE 802.3连接到外部以太网兼容收发器收发器电缆。GE Fanuc目录号IC649AEA102(用于10Base T)或IC649AEA103(用于10Base2)是合适的收发器(详见附录J)。默认MAC地址标签默认MAC地址标签列出了该模块要使用的以太网MAC地址。序列号标签序列号标签表示该接口的序列号。
TRICONEX 9662-610模拟量端子板以太网接口模块文档有关详细信息,请参阅GFK-1541,Series 90-30 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User’s Manual(GFK-1541,Series 90-30 TCP/IP以太网通信用户手册)。此硬件版本使用当前可用的组件替换过时的缓存RAM。在在室温下,新部件将电池寿命从6年缩短到10个月。固件版本10.74是一个维护版本,包括“问题”中描述的更改通过第2页的“此固件版本解决”。升级此硬件版本不需要或不可用现场升级。功能兼容性使用原始缓存RAM组件,电池寿命为6年25°C,在60°C时为1½年。当前可用部件上的数据保留电流将电池寿命降低到10个月25°C和60°C下5个半月。机器版PLC Logic Developer 2.11或更高版本,或VersaPro 2.02或更高版本应用于配置和编程这些CPU模型。C编程必须使用4.00或更高版本的C工具包。
AAUI (Transceiver) Port
The 14-pin AAUI port connects to an external Ethernet-compatible transceiver via an IEEE 802.3
transceiver cable. GE Fanuc catalog number IC649AEA102 (for 10Base T) or IC649AEA103 (for
10Base2) are suitable transceivers (see Appendix J for details).
Default MAC Address Label
The Default MAC Address label lists the Ethernet MAC address to be used by this module.
Serial Number Label
The Serial Number Label indicates the serial number of this Interface.
Ethernet Interface Module Documentation
For details, refer to GFK-1541, Series 90-30 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User’s Manual.This hardware revision replaces an obsolete cache RAM with a component that is currently available. At
room temperature, the new part reduces the battery life from 6 years to 10 months.
Firmware version 10.74 is a maintenance release that consists of the changes described in “Problems
Resolved by this Firmware Revision” on page 2.
No field upgrade is required or available for this hardware revision.Functional Compatibility
With the original cache RAM component, the battery life was 6 years 25°C and 1½ years at 60°C.
The data retention current on the currently available part reduces the battery life to 10 months at
25°C and 5½ months at 60°C.
Machine Edition PLC Logic Developer version 2.11 or later, or VersaPro version 2.02 or later should
be used to configure and program these CPU models.
Version 4.00 or later of the C toolkit must be used for C programming.