BENDER IRDH265-2绝缘检测器 PDF资料
1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:
BENDER IRDH265-2 绝缘检测器
BENDER IRDH265-2 是一款用于监测非接地系统(IT系统)中的绝缘电阻的高精度绝缘监测装置。它被广泛应用于电气系统中,用于检测接地故障和绝缘劣化,从而预防设备故障和保证操作安全,尤其适用于医疗设备、工业和电力行业。
- 该检测器能够持续监测电气设备的绝缘状态,即使系统处于运行状态下,也可以精确检测接地故障或绝缘劣化问题。
- 适用于直流、交流和混合电压系统,涵盖 0 到 690 V 的电压范围,适应多种类型的电力系统和工业应用。
- 当绝缘电阻下降到预设阈值时,检测器会发出预警信号,用户可以在绝缘故障发生之前及时采取措施,防止事故发生。
- IRDH265-2 支持多种绝缘测量模式,能够同时监测系统中的直流和交流分量,确保在复杂电力系统中提供准确的检测结果。
LCD 显示与编程功能:
- 设备配备直观的 LCD 显示屏,便于实时查看检测数据,并通过简便的菜单进行设备设置和编程。
- 内置故障记录功能,可以记录和存储过去的故障情况,帮助分析绝缘故障趋势,便于故障排除和预防维护。
- 该检测器设计具有良好的抗电磁干扰性能,即使在噪声较大的工业环境中,也能够保持稳定、准确的工作状态。
- 医疗设备和系统(如手术室、ICU)
- 工业自动化系统
- 数据中心和服务器机房
- 石油和天然气行业
- 电力系统的发电和配电设备
- 轨道交通和舰船等关键电力系统
- 提供持续的绝缘监测,有效防止电气故障,确保设备和人员的安全。
- 适用于多种电力系统,支持宽范围的电压和频率。
- 通过预警功能和故障存储,用户能够提前采取行动,避免设备停机或损坏。
BENDER IRDH265-2 绝缘检测器是一款高性能的绝缘监测设备,适用于非接地系统中的绝缘状态监测,帮助用户快速识别接地故障或绝缘问题。其强大的监测能力和多种功能设计,使其成为工业、医疗、电力等领域中确保电气安全的重要工具。
BENDER IRDH265-2 Insulation Detector
BENDER IRDH265-2 is a high-precision insulation monitoring device used to monitor insulation resistance in non grounded systems (IT systems). It is widely used in electrical systems to detect ground faults and insulation degradation, thereby preventing equipment failures and ensuring operational safety, especially suitable for medical equipment, industry, and power industries.
Main features:
High sensitivity insulation monitoring:
This detector can continuously monitor the insulation status of electrical equipment and accurately detect grounding faults or insulation degradation issues even when the system is in operation.
Wide operating voltage range:
Suitable for DC, AC, and mixed voltage systems, covering a voltage range of 0 to 690 V, suitable for various types of power systems and industrial applications.
Warning function:
When the insulation resistance drops to the preset threshold, the detector will issue a warning signal, and users can take timely measures to prevent accidents before insulation faults occur.
Multiple measurement modes:
IRDH265-2 supports multiple insulation measurement modes and can simultaneously monitor both DC and AC components in the system, ensuring accurate detection results in complex power systems.
LCD display and programming functions:
The device is equipped with an intuitive LCD display screen for real-time viewing of detection data, and can be set up and programmed through a simple menu.
Fault storage function:
Built in fault recording function, which can record and store past fault situations, help analyze insulation fault trends, facilitate troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.
High anti-interference ability:
The detector design has good anti electromagnetic interference performance, and can maintain stable and accurate working conditions even in noisy industrial environments.
Application areas:
Medical equipment and systems (such as operating rooms, ICUs)
Industrial automation system
Data center and server room
Oil and gas industry
Power generation and distribution equipment in the power system
Key power systems such as rail transit and ships
Provide continuous insulation monitoring to effectively prevent electrical failures and ensure the safety of equipment and personnel.
Suitable for various power systems, supporting a wide range of voltages and frequencies.
Through the warning function and fault storage, users can take action in advance to avoid equipment downtime or damage.
BENDER IRDH265-2 Insulation Detector is a high-performance insulation monitoring device suitable for insulation status monitoring in non grounded systems, helping users quickly identify grounding faults or insulation issues. Its powerful monitoring capability and multiple functional designs make it an important tool for ensuring electrical safety in industrial, medical, power and other fields.
2.产 品 展 示
ABB UN0807C-P Programmable Controller
HE700GEN200 Network Interface Module
DEIF LSU-113DG voltage regulator
PMB33E-10214-03 | 70 AS 45b-E | N32HRFM-LNK-NS-00 |
PMB33E-10214-02 | 07ZE62R201 | P21NSXC-LSN-NS-03 |
PMB33E-10214-01 | 70 BK 02a-E | N32HCLG-LNK-NS-01 |
PMB33E-10214-00 | NTDO01 | M21NRFA-LNN-NS-04 |
PMB33E-10201-03 | AMAT 0500-00065 | PFVA401 |
PMB33E-10201-02 | AMAT 0100-20241 | 57160001-LL DSDI 307 |
PMB33E-10201-01 | AMAT 0100-00132 | PFVA401 |
PMB33E-10201-00 | NKLS112 | M21NSXA-LDN-HD-02 |
PMB33E-10200-03 | AMAT 0100-00011 | PFTL101BER 2.0KN 3BSE023158R1 |