DDK SAN3-40输入模块,SAN3-40培训教程
超过恒定扫描时间当IC694ALG392时记录故障-BC存在于RX3i设置中。当IC694ALG392-BC模块存在于主或Rx3i(所有CPU类型)的扩展机架和恒定扫描模式为配置后,定期超过扫描时间,导致过扫故障。限制和未决问题主题描述记录的输入/输出故障丢失清除所有时的模拟模块发送内存命令通过RX3i CPU的串行港口城市当Rx3i CPU在一个机架,PME与串行端口通信,并发送清除所有内存命令,则任何模块都可能意外记录丢失输入/输出模块故障。
DDK SAN3-40输入模块要从该问题中恢复,请关闭CPU电源并下载配置或者在清除时,不要使用“全部清除”,而是选择配置项复选框。如果只有主机架通电在固件之前循环下载到IC693ALG392或IC694ALG392模块存在于一个扩展机架,固件下载将失败。当IC693ALG392或IC694ALG392模块出现在扩展机架,之前只有主机架通电固件下载,Winloader失败,发出错误消息“无法擦除目标上的闪存。”可以通过以下方式避免此问题:在电源循环后机架,重启扩展机架或清除所有CPU
Constant sweep time exceeded
fault is logged when IC694ALG392-
BC is present in an RX3i setup.
When the IC694ALG392-BC module is present in a main or
expansion rack of Rx3i (all CPU types) and constant sweep mode is
configured, the sweep time is periodically exceeded, resulting in
an Over-Sweep fault.
Restrictions and Open Issues
Subject Description
Loss of I/O fault is logged for
analog modules when a Clear All
Memory command is sent
through the RX3i CPU’s serial
When the Rx3i CPU has more than three analog modules in a
rack, PME is communicating with serial port and sends a Clear All
Memory command, then any module may unexpectedly log a Loss
of I/O Module fault.
To recover from this issue, power cycle the CPU and download
configuration. Or while clearing, do not use Clear All, but select
the configuration item checkboxes.
If only the main rack is power
cycled, before a firmware
download into IC693ALG392 or
IC694ALG392 module present in
an expansion rack, the firmware
download will fail.
When an IC693ALG392 or IC694ALG392 module is present in an
expansion rack, and only the main rack is power cycled before
firmware download, Winloader fails, giving an error message
"Unable to erase Flash memory on target.”
This issue can be avoided as follows: After power cycling the main
rack, either power cycle the expansion rack or clear all CPU
memory before firmware download.