IS200TDBTH6ACD燃机模块与标称负载相关。滞后是在以下条件下输出信号的最大偏差:从零到标称负载的循环中的相同负载,以及回到零,与标称负载下的灵敏度有关。磁滞与周期成正比。重复性误差定义为最大偏差在相同条件下的重复读数之间。它表示为以下条件下灵敏度的百分比:标称负载。温度依赖性是与温度相关的以%/K为单位的漂移标称负载下的灵敏度。零点漂移定义为输出信号中的漂移当称重传感器上没有负载时。灵敏度漂移定义为在以下条件下输出信号的漂移:标称负载,不包括零点漂移。分段滚动比例因子(SRSF)是一个当称重传感器未安装在以下位置时,补偿包裹增益:每个支持分段滚动应用。Nominal load, Fnom, is the load for which the load cell is
dimensioned and calibrated, i.e. the sum of the stationary
load and the maximum measured load in the measuring
Fext = Extended range. Between Fnom and Fext some
decline in measurement accuracy may be experienced.
Sensitivity is defined as the difference in output signal
between nominal load and no load.
Accuracy class is defined as the maximum deviation, and
is expressed as a percentage of the sensitivity at nominal
load. This includes linearity deviation, hysteresis and
repeatability error.
Linearity deviation is the maximum deviation from a
straight line drawn between the output values of zero and
nominal load, related to the nominal load.
Hysteresis is the maximum deviation of the output signal at
the same load during a cycle from zero to nominal load and
back to zero, related to the sensitivity at nominal load.
The hysteresis is proportional to the cycle.
Repeatability error is defined as the maximum deviation
between repeated readings under identical conditions.
It is expressed as a percentage of the sensitivity at
nominal load.
Temperature dependence is the drift in %/K related to the
sensitivity at nominal load.
Zero point drift is defined as the drift in the output signal
when there is no load on the load cell.
Sensitivity drift is defined as the drift in the output signal at
nominal load, excluding the zero point drift.
Segmented Roll Scale Factor (SRSF) is a factor that
compensates Wrap Gain when load cells are not installed at
each support in segmented roll applications.