TSXPBY100模块备件测量范围在2001-5000范围内划分为有限的几个部分。负荷分割值=一个分割,仅包含一个有效数字(1、2或5)。Profibus可以处理最大–32768到+32767(216)个分区。示例1:a、 Profibus测量范围(由用户设置)=15 500 N(正常操作期间估计的腹板张力)b、 由PFEA113计算的负荷分配=5 N(Profibus上最低有效位的值)c、 Profibus测量范围/负载分配=15500/5=3100(测量范围分为3100个部分)示例2:如果示例1中的负载分配5 N不够,则可以调整负载分配。这可以通过将Miscellaneous(其他)菜单中的MeasurengRange设置为(减少)来实现提供足够负载分配(分辨率)的值。a、 测量范围=9000 N(新的较低测量范围设置)b、 由PFEA113计算的新负荷分配=2 N(Profibus上最低有效位的新值)在PFEA113中设置为9000 N时,Profibus测量范围为0–15500 N(分为7750分区)仍然可以使用,现在负载分区(分辨率)为2 N。通常,无需将测量范围设置为低于估计腹板的1/3正常操作期间的张力。对于给定的负荷分配,可通过Profibus传输的最大值为:–最大值=负载分区x 32767User Defined Scaling
The Profibus Measuring Range and Load Division can be adjusted according to user
Profibus Measuring Range
Profibus Measuring Range (estimated web tension during normal operation) is a parameter
entered by the user. After the user has changed the Measuring Range value, changing Load cell
nominal load does not affect the Profibus scaling. The value of the least significant bit is defined
as Load Division.
Load Division
Load Division is the resolution that will be used on Profibus. The Load Division value is
calculated by PFEA113 and depends on the set measuring range.
The measuring range is divided into a limited number of divisions in the range 2001 - 5000.
The Load Division value = one division, contains only one significant digit (1, 2 or 5).
The Profibus can handle max. –32768 to +32767 (216) divisions.
Example 1:
a. Profibus Measuring Range (set by user) = 15 500 N
(estimated web tension during normal operation)
b. Load Division calculated by PFEA113 = 5 N
(value of least significant bit on Profibus)
c. Profibus Measuring Range/Load Division = 15500/5 = 3100
(the measuring range is divided into 3100 divisions)
Example 2:
If the Load Division, 5 N, in Example 1 is not sufficient, the Load Division can be adjusted.
This can be done by setting (decreasing) MeasuringRange in the Miscellaneous Menu to a
value that gives a sufficient Load Division (resolution).
a. Measuring Range = 9000 N
(New, lower measuring rangesetting)
b. New Load Division calculated by PFEA113 = 2 N
(New value of least significant bit on Profibus)
With the setting 9000 N in PFEA113 , the Profibus measuring range 0 – 15500 N (divided into
7750 divisions) can still be used, now with the Load Division (resolution) 2 N.
Normally, there is no need to set the measuring range lower than 1/3 of the estimated web
tension during normal operation.
The max. value that can be transmitted via Profibus, for a given Load Division, is:
– Max. value = Load Division x 32767