快速设置可以通过两种方式进行取决于包裹增益的设置方式。完成设置系统定义见3.12.2选择标准辊、单面测量或分段滚动应用的输入数量。语言、单位、腹板宽度1)和所需演示文稿中设置了小数位数菜单选择称重传感器组合并设置分段滚动比例因子(SRSF)2)和增益调度在此菜单中。检查称重传感器名称上的标称负载盘子使用或从列表中选择标称负载. 用确认。
IS220PDIAH1B通用电气模块零点设置用于补偿称重传感器零点信号和皮重。包裹增益可以通过使用悬挂来确定重量或通过计算。仅选择Off、U(电压)、I(电流)或Profibus。连接信号并设置滤波器设置,高和低张力、输出和极限。设置液位检测器(4)和“状态正常”AI 1-AI 2见3.12.9用于连接多个电子设备。DI公司见3.12.10选择关闭、零设置或增益调度。该菜单用于设置profibus参数或设置出厂默认值。PFEA113软件版本。查看的最大负载和当前偏移设置称重传感器A、B、C和D。重置最大负载内存和偏移。称重传感器信号的模拟。如果装置设置为N/m、kN/m、kg/m或pli。如果称重传感器组合设置为分段滚动。取决于称重传感器的组合。笔记一些子菜单询问确认问题不是如本概述所示。在这些菜单您必须确认您的应进行设置。The fast setup can be made in two ways
depending on how the wrap gain is set.
See 3.12.2
Select Standard roll, Single side measurement or
number of inputs for segmented roll applications.
Language, Unit, Web Width 1) and desired
number of decimals are set in the presentation
Select load cell combination and set Segmented
Roll Scale factor (SRSF) 2) and Gain scheduling
in this menu.
Check the nominal load on the load cell name
plate. Select nominal load from the list with or
. Confirm with .
Zero set is used to compensate for load cell zero
signal and tare weight.
Wrap gain can be determined by using hanging
weights or by calculating.
Select Off, U (Voltage), I (Current) or Profibus only.
Connect signals and set filter settings, high and low
Tension, Output and Limit.
Set level detectors (4) and “Status OK”
AI 1 - AI 2
See 3.12.9
For connection of multiple electronics.
See 3.12.10
Select Off, Zero set or Gain scheduling.
This menu is used to set profibus parameters or to
set factory default.
Show PFEA113 software version.
View maximum load and current offset settings for
load cell A, B, C and D.
Reset maximum load memory and offset.
Simulation of load cell signals.)