EPRO MMS6120前置传感器,MMS6120使用配置说明
大多数Genius NIU故障将出现在输入/输出的输入/输出故障表中控制器。但是,一些Genius NIU故障(例如机架丢失和系统配置不匹配)出现在控制器的PLC中故障表。天才牛儿报告未解决的故障清除控制器的输入/输出故障表。它不会重新报告清除PLC故障表时未解决的PLC故障。清除故障时,清除其中的PLC和输入/输出故障表顺序然后查看输入/输出和PLC故障表,以确定Genius NIU站的状态。
EPRO MMS6120前置传感器安装在Genius NIU和任何增压器上的电源应为同一机架中使用的电源供电断断续续地在一起。4.Genius NIU对写入配置没有响应数据报COMMREQ。应用程序必须发读取配置数据报以确定先前写入配置数据报。
5.如果Genius NIU是使用数据报配置的(例如,通过向Genius总线控制器发出COMMREQ),则强制BSM位可访问,但不得更改。
6、如果Genius NIU的CPU冗余参数设置为“Duplex”,输入/输出中不得使用模拟输出和智能模块
Most Genius NIU faults will appear in the I/O fault table of the I/O
controller. However, some Genius NIU faults (such as Loss of rack
and System configuration mismatch) appear in the controller’s PLC
fault table. The Genius NIU re-reports unresolved faults when the
controller’s I/O fault table is cleared. It does not re-report
unresolved PLC faults when the PLC fault table is cleared.
When clearing faults, clear both the PLC and I/O fault tables in that
order. Then view both the I/O and PLC fault tables to ascertain the
Genius NIU station’s status.
3. The power supply mounted on a Genius NIU and any booster
power supplies that are used in the same rack should be powered
on and off together.
4. There is no response from the Genius NIU to a Write Configuration
Datagram COMMREQ. The application program must issue a
Read Configuration Datagram to determine the effectiveness of a
previous Write Configuration Datagram.
5. If the Genius NIU is configured using datagrams (for example, by
issuing a COMMREQ to a Genius Bus Controller), the value of the
Force BSM bit is accessible but must not be changed.
6. If the Genius NIU's CPU Redundancy parameter is set to "Duplex",
analog output and intelligent modules must not be used in the I/O
7. Intelligent I/O modules (IC200ALG240, ALG331, ALG620, ALG630,
and MDD841) should not be used in an extended distance
expansion system. If a rack with an intelligent I/O module in an
extended distance expansion system is power cycled, or if a single
slot Genius configuration datagram is sent to an intelligent module
in an extended distance expansion rack, the other expansion racks
and the other devices on the Genius network may default their
outputs briefly.