DEIF LSU-113DG负荷分配器,LSU-113DG如何使用
增加设备故障。对于GMR PLC必须发出GMR输入/输出重置命令(%M12258)以恢复使用这些输入通道。4.VersaMax GNIU的热拆卸和热插入不适用被允许尝试热插拔GNIU可能会导致
干扰GNIU和其他设备之间的背板传输并且可能导致GNIU的诊断测试声明错误。这可能会导致电站中的其他模块被标记为故障,也可能导致整个输入站下线。对于需要安装VersaMax GNIU的情况更换后,系统的操作程序必须要求操作员在尝试之前切断GNIU的电源修理
DEIF LSU-113DG负荷分配器5、关闭整个VersaMax工作站将导致系统暂时失去该站中的所有模拟通道(最多60个),而不是仅与正在更换的模块相关的通道。如果冗余VersaMax输入站可用,则程序可以选择允许整个系统继续运行短时间内输入通道冗余的降级水平正在修复出现故障的输入站。
操作说明:概述1、在智能输入/输出模块上执行固件升级时在Genius NIU站,主机控制器必须处于停机状态模式,或者必须从NIU上卸下Genius网络电缆。
报错 笔记拼
Addition of Device fault. For the case of a GMR PLC, an operator
must issue a GMR I/O Reset command (%M12258) to recover the
use of those input channels.
4. Hot Removal and Hot Insertion of the VersaMax GNIU is not
permitted. Attempting to hot insert or hot remove the GNIU may
interfere with backplane transfers between the GNIU and other
modules in the station, and can cause the GNIU’s diagnostic tests
to declare an error. That can cause other modules in the station to
be marked as faulted, and may also cause the entire input station to
go offline. For cases where a VersaMax GNIU needs to be
replaced, the system’s operating procedures must require the
operator to remove power from the GNIU before attempting the
5. Powering down the entire VersaMax station will cause the system
to temporarily lose all analog channels (up to 60) in that station, not
just the channels associated with the module that is being replaced.
If a redundant VersaMax Input Station is available, the procedures
may optionally allow the overall system to continue to operate with
a degraded level of input channel redundancy for a short time while
the faulted input station is being repaired.
Operating Notes: General
1. When performing a firmware upgrade on an intelligent I/O module
in the Genius NIU station, the host controller must be put into Stop
mode, or the Genius network cable must be removed from the NIU.