HIMA F8652E控制模块,F8652E说明书在线阅读
当主通信中断时,%I参考(位0)和DCS LED立即复位恢复在Modbus读取异常之前,异常状态字节中的位保持设置收到命令。
HIMA F8652E控制模块当该端口的相关线路上有活动时,RXB、TXB将闪烁。如果调制解调器端口被选中时,RXA将闪烁表示摘机活动,TXA将闪烁表示来电。
The %I reference (Bit 0) and the DCS LED are reset immediately when master communications is
restored. The bit in the Exception status byte remains set until after the Modbus Read Exception
command is received.
In instances where the HE693RTU940 is used in conjunction cellular phones, the baud rate should be set
to 300 to avoid data corruption due to noise and the DCS will need to be adjusted according to message
size. Configuring the DCS to a setting of 5 or more should eliminate any data errors.
Front Panel Diagnostic LED’s
RXA, TXA will flicker when there is activity on the associated lines for the RS-232 port. If the RS-485 port
is active, RXB, TXB will flicker when there is activity on the associated lines for that port. If the modem
port is selected, RXA will flicker indicating off-hook activity and TXA will flicker indicating an incoming call.
If DCS has not timed out or is not enabled, the DCS LED will momentarily light when a valid Modbus
message has been received and is being processed by the RTU Interface Module. If the RX light is
flashing and the DCS is not, this generally indicates that the frame protocol is incorrect. If DCS is
enabled and timed out, this LED flashes at a constant 1 Second rate.
Dial %R (HE693RTU940 only)
The Dial %R parameter is the reference address that specifies the registers that are used to store the
phone number (dial string) the user wishes to dial. This setting varies in the number of registers used
according to the length of the dial string. The registers used for the Dial %R parameter must not