The Modbus master will issue a command to start the transaction. The command will contain a unit
address specifying the slave which should respond. The slave will process the command and will return
a single response. Message integrity is assured through use of checksums included in the messages.
The Slave ignores all messages which have invalid checksums and assumes the Master has received
any responses sent. It is the Master node application’s responsibility to provide time-out and retry
Before the RTU Modules will respond appropriately to Modbus commands it must be configured to the
frame protocol used by the other unit on the common line. This includes items such as the media (RS-
485, RS-232, or modem), frame protocol such as (ASCII, RTU, ASCII-A, or RTU-A), baud rate, parity,
stop bits, and, finally, optional handshaking.
3.2 Port Selection
The user may select either the RS-232, RS-485, or modem to use for communications through the PLC
software configuration. The pinouts for the RS-232 and RS-485 ports are shown below. The pinout for
the modem port is on page 14.RTU mode sends each byte of information in binary form thus requiring 8-bits of transmitted data. ASCII
mode divides a byte of information into two nibbles and transmits each as a 7-bit hexadecimal character.
The ASCII mode uses twice as many transmitted characters; however, debugging with printable ASCII
characters can be much easier. Therefore, setting the mode to either ASCII or RTU indirectly sets
whether the data size is 7 or 8 bits. The second (alternate) set, ASCII-A AND RTU-A, selects a new