HITACHI LYA010A控制系统,LYA010A使用配置说明
HITACHI LYA010A控制系统当锁紧螺钉上插槽的开口端朝向模块面板的中心。
适用termi nation装置产品说明中的维修/更换程序部分。要更换NIDI01终端模块,请参阅维修/更换程序其产品说明中的第节。这些说明包含逐步更换程序和备件清单。
To replace the HSS module:
1. Turn the 2 latching screws on the HSS module ½-turn
either way to release the module.
2. Grasp the screws and slide out the module.
3. Set dipswitches S1 through S5 and jumpers J1 through
J31 to the proper settings. Tables 3-1 through 3-6 list the
dipswitch and jumper setting options.
4. Hold the module by the faceplate and slide it into its
assigned slot; push until the rear edges of the module are
seated in the backplane connectors.
5. Turn the 2 latching screws ½-turn to lock the modules in
place. The module is locked into the module mounting unit
when the open end of the slots on the latching screws faces the
center of the module faceplate.
To replace the NTHS03 or NTDI01 termination unit, refer to the
repair/replacement procedures section in the applicable termination unit product instruction. To replace the NIDI01 termination module, refer to the repair/replacement procedures
section in its product instruction. These instructions contain
step by step replacement procedures and a spare parts list.
Table 7-1 also lists fuse part numbers for the termination
units.Bailey Controls Company is ready to help in the use and repair
of its products. Contact the nearest sales office to make
requests for sales, applications, installation, repair, overhaul