8.如果输出块N的100%位置大于8.5 V,然后通过将规范S16设置为下一个较低的增益来降低解调器增益值,并重复步骤7。
在步骤4中确定:a、 转到S6中指定的块,并将其调整为0%。
b、 观察输出块N处的LVDT二次电压并等待值停止更改。当值停止更改,读取最终值并验证其是否正确可接受。LVDT 0%值均不应大于小于-5 V,LVDT 100%值均不应为小于5 V。
Observe the LVDT secondary voltage at the output block N
and wait until the value stops changing.
8. If the 100% position at output block N is greater than
8.5 V, then decrease the value of the demodulator gain by setting specification S16 to the next lower gain and repeat Step 7.
9. If the demodulator gain has been changed from the value
determined in Step 4:
a. Go to the block specified in S6, and tune it to 0%.
b. Observe the LVDT secondary voltage at output block N
and wait until the value stops changing. When the value
stops changing, read the final value and verify that it is
acceptable. None of the LVDT 0% values should be greater
than -5 V and none of the LVDT 100% values should be
less than 5 V.
10. If there are redundant LVDT transformers, repeat this procedure for the backup LVDT transformer. Select the backup by
changing the value of S3 to select the other LVDT transformer.
Use the lowest of the two gains for redundant LVDT transformers. Verify that both LVDT transformers are still within range.
If any LVDT transformer is not within range, refer to Section 6and Table 6-5 for information on correcting the LVDT
11. Calibrate the LVDT transformer before tuning the controller gain. Refer to Initial Calibration (Function Code 55) for
the LVDT calibration procedure.