a、 试着在称重传感器中获得不小于腹板张力10%的测量值测量方向!
1C31166G01模块b、 选择称重传感器尺寸,使其负荷尽可能接近其标称负荷!做不测量测量方向上张力的力分量FR,小于称重传感器标称负载的10%!
c、 如果过程中最大和最小张力之间的跨度较大,请选择称重传感器,使最大张力处于称重传感器扩展范围内(当适用)!
d、 建议测量的腹板张力分力至少为作用于称重传感器测量方向的皮重分力(辊重)。这个此建议的原因是称重传感器信号的稳定性,尤其是当系统在较大的温度范围内运行。
Step-by-Step Guide for Designing the Load Cell Installation
The procedure below defines the main considerations involved in designing a load cell
1. Check load cell data so that environmental demands are met.
2. Calculate forces; vertical, horizontal and axial (cross directional).
3. Size and orientate load cell so that the guidelines below are met:
a. Try to achieve a measured value no less than 10% of web tension, in the load cell
measurement direction!
b. Select load cell size so that it is loaded as close as possible to its nominal load! Do
not dimension Force component of Tension in measuring direction, FR, for less than
10% of the load cell nominal load!
c. If the span between maximum and minimum tension in the process is large, select
load cell so that the maximum tension will be in the load cell extended range (when
d. The measured force component of web tension is recommended to be at least 30% of
tare force component (roll weight) acting in load cell measurement direction. The
reason for this recommendation is load cell signal stability, especially when the
system operates in a large temperature span.
This means that if FRT < 1/3 of Fnom, FR should be at least 10% of Fnom.
For larger FRT, lowest FR is recommended to be at least 30% of FRT. Check load cell data so that limits for building height, transverse and axial forces are
not exceeded.
4. Design base frame and/or adapter plates.