主机通过写入来控制将哪个I/O页映射到ControlLogix I/O表ControlLogix输出表的字节1。要更改输入页,(使用WORD数据类型),更新字节1的下半字节(本地:2:O.Data[0])。8–11,AOP标记本地:插槽:ModuleControl。将页码(0–3)更改为页码(0–3)。更改输出页面,更新字节1的上半字节(本地:插槽:O.Data[0])。
更改输入页面后,主机应等待固件设置页码在输入表的字节1中(本地:插槽:I.Data[0])。8–11,AOP标记本地:插槽:ModuleControl。当前页位0-3)。在输入表字节1的低半字节(本地:插槽:I.Data[0])。8–11,AOP标记本地:插槽:ModuleControl。CurrentPage位0-3)等于输出表的低半字节字节1(本地:插槽:O.Data[0]。8–11,AOP标记本地:插槽:ModuleControl.ChangePage位0-3)。要检索或更新页面上的数据,请使用RsLogix 5000软件。使用CPS指令时,I/O更新无法在
I/O Expansion Overview
The SST-PB3-CLX master supports I/O data up to a maximum of 1984 input bytes and 1968
output bytes within 4 I/O pages. There are 4 bytes reserved for control registers at the beginning
of each page. Each input page is 500 bytes and each output page is 496 bytes.
The Host controls which page of I/O is mapped into the ControlLogix I/O table by writing to
Byte 1 of the ControlLogix output table. To change the input page, (WORD Data type is used),
update the lower nibble of byte 1 (Local:2:O.Data[0].8 – 11, AOP Tag
Local:Slot:ModuleControl.ChangePage Bits 0 - 3) with page number (0 – 3). To change the
output page, update the upper nibble of byte 1 (Local:Slot:O.Data[0].12 – 15, AOP Tag
Local:Slot:ModuleControl.ChangePage Bits 4 - 7) with page number (0 -3).
When changing Output Pages, updating the Control register (Local:Slot:I.Data[0].12 – 15, AOP
tag Local:Slot:ModuleControl.ChangePage Bits 4 - 7) with the output page number and output
data at the same time is required before doing a Synchronous Copy to the ControlLogix Output
After changing the Input pages, the host should wait for the firmware to set the page number(s)
in byte 1 of the Input table (Local:Slot:I.Data[0].8 – 11, AOP tag
Local:Slot:ModuleControl.CurrentPage Bits 0 - 3). Input pages should not be read until the
Inpute table’s low nibble of byte 1 (Local:Slot:I.Data[0].8 – 11, AOP tag
Local:Slot:ModuleControl.CurrentPage Bits 0 - 3) is equal to the Output table’s low nibble of
byte 1 (Local:Slot:O.Data[0].8 – 11, AOP tag Local:Slot:ModuleControl.ChangePage Bits 0 - 3).
To retrieve or update the data on a page, use the CPS instruction (Synchronous Copy File) in the
RsLogix 5000 software. With the CPS instruction, an I/O update cannot change the data while
you are copying to/from the local buffer. If you plan to read all used input pages into a local
buffer prior to processing input data, below is sample logic that would be required to avoid data