默认值为5ms。有效范围为3ms至750ms。当SST-PB3-CLX-RLL配置为主机时,RPI应至少为2乘以Profibus典型扫描时间。典型扫描时间显示在SST Profibus中SST-PB3-CLX-RLL主属性下的配置工具。双击配置中的SST-PB3-CLX主机,打开属性对话框并选择
“参数”选项卡。您将看到下面的屏幕截图。这里的典型扫描时间为3.471ms。所以建议RPI为2 x 3.471=6.942,四舍五入为7ms。请参阅第10章,使用附加配置文件在RSLogix 5000中配置CLX从机一节(AOP)如果将模块配置为DP从机或DP主从机。否则单击好啊SST-PFB/PB3-CLX-RLL将出现在输入/输出配置中。在“供应商”选项卡上可用。
The default connection type is Output w/ Status. Listen-only connection is also available.
15. Select the data format required (INT, SINT, DINT). INT is the default.
16. Click on the next to the Mode field and select one of the three available modes. The
default is Master/Enable Auto-Run. If you require Master mode but do not want the card to
come online automatically, select Master/Disable Auto-Run. Select Slave mode if you want
to configure the module as a DP slave only or as a Master and Slave. Selecting Slave mode
will create an additional dialog called “Module Configuration” to configure the Slave or
Master-Slave parameters.
17. Click OK to accept the changes.
18. If required, click on the Connection tab to modify the Rate Packet Interval (RPI) time. The
default is 5ms. The valid range is 3ms to 750ms.When the SST-PB3-CLX-RLL is configured as a Master, the RPI should be at minimum, 2
times the Profibus typical scan time. The typical scan time is displayed in the SST Profibus
configuration tool under the SST-PB3-CLX-RLL Master properties. Double-Click on the
SST-PB3-CLX Master in your configuration to open the properties dialog and select
parameters tab. You will get the screenshot below. Here the typical scan time is 3.471ms. So
the recommended RPI would be 2 x 3.471 = 6.942 rounded up would be 7ms.See chapter 10, section Configuring the CLX Slave in RSLogix 5000 using Add-on-Profile
(AOP) if configuring the module as DP slave or as DP Master and Slave. Otherwise Click on
OK. The SST-PFB/PB3-CLX-RLL will appear in your I/O configuration.
Our web address, online help and technical support phone numbers are
available on the Vendor tab.