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ICS TRIPLEX 9300 9832 9802数字量模块

ICS TRIPLEX 9300 9832 9802数字量模块

ICS TRIPLEX 9300 9832 9802数字量模块1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:中文资料:ICS Triplex 9300 系列模块(包括 9832 和 9802 数字量模块)是高可靠性的工业控制和安全系统中常用的模块,专为关键任务和安全系统设计。以下是其主要产品特点和应用领域:主要特点高可靠性:设计符合严格的工业和安全标准,适用于高可靠性要求的应用场合。提供高可用性和容错能力,确保系统...

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ICS TRIPLEX 9300 9832 9802数字量模块

    ICS TRIPLEX 9300 9832 9802数字量模块

    1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


    ICS Triplex 9300 系列模块(包括 9832 和 9802 数字量模块)是高可靠性的工业控制和安全系统中常用的模块,专为关键任务和安全系统设计。以下是其主要产品特点和应用领域:


    1. 高可靠性

      • 设计符合严格的工业和安全标准,适用于高可靠性要求的应用场合。
      • 提供高可用性和容错能力,确保系统的连续运行。
    2. 数字量输入/输出

      • 支持多种数字量输入和输出,适用于各种控制需求。
      • 提供快速和精确的数字信号处理能力。
    3. 冗余设计

      • 具备冗余设计,保证系统在单个模块故障时仍能正常运行。
      • 支持热插拔,模块更换时无需停机,确保系统的高可用性。
    4. 模块化设计

      • 插片式模块设计,便于安装、维护和扩展。
      • 灵活的配置选项,适应不同的应用需求。
    5. 多通信接口

      • 配备多种通信接口,支持与其他控制系统和设备的集成。
      • 兼容多种工业通信协议,确保与现有系统的无缝连接。
    6. 自诊断功能

      • 具有自诊断和故障检测功能,能够快速识别并处理故障。
      • 提供实时状态监测和报警功能,便于维护和故障排除。


    1. 过程控制

      • 在石油、化工、制药等行业的过程控制系统中,用于关键过程的监测和控制。
      • 提供高可靠性的控制和数据处理,确保生产过程的安全和稳定。
    2. 发电和能源管理

      • 用于电厂、能源管理系统中的关键设备控制和监测。
      • 确保发电设备的可靠运行和高效能管理。
    3. 交通运输

      • 在铁路、地铁、航空等交通系统中,用于关键设备和系统的控制。
      • 提供高可靠性和安全性的控制解决方案,保障交通系统的运行安全。
    4. 制造自动化

      • 在自动化制造系统中,用于设备和生产线的控制和监测。
      • 提高生产效率和产品质量,确保制造过程的连续性和可靠性。
    5. 水处理和环保

      • 用于水处理厂、环保系统中的关键控制和数据采集。
      • 提供可靠的监测和控制,确保环保系统的有效运行。


    9300 系列通用规格:

    • 输入电压范围:24V DC(典型)
    • 工作温度:-20°C 至 +60°C
    • 防护等级:IP20 或更高
    • 安装方式:DIN 导轨安装或机架安装

    9832 数字输入模块:

    • 输入通道数量:32 通道
    • 输入电压:24V DC
    • 输入类型:数字量输入,支持干接点和湿接点
    • 诊断功能:支持开路检测和短路检测

    9802 数字输出模块:

    • 输出通道数量:32 通道
    • 输出电压:24V DC
    • 输出电流:最大 0.5A 每通道
    • 输出类型:晶体管输出,支持过流保护和短路保护


    ICS Triplex 9300 系列模块(包括 9832 和 9802 数字量模块)凭借其高可靠性、冗余设计、模块化结构和强大的诊断功能,成为关键任务和安全系统中的理想选择。其广泛的应用领域和强大的功能,使其在过程控制、发电和能源管理、交通运输、制造自动化和环保系统等多个行业中发挥关键作用,确保系统的高效、安全运行。


    The ICS Triplex 9300 series modules (including 9832 and 9802 digital modules) are commonly used modules in highly reliable industrial control and safety systems, designed specifically for critical tasks and safety systems. The following are the main product features and application areas:

    main features 

    High reliability:

    Designed to meet strict industrial and safety standards, suitable for applications with high reliability requirements.

    Provide high availability and fault tolerance to ensure continuous operation of the system.

    Digital input/output:

    Supports multiple digital inputs and outputs, suitable for various control needs.

    Provide fast and accurate digital signal processing capabilities.

    Redundant design:

    Equipped with redundant design, ensuring that the system can still operate normally in the event of a single module failure.

    Support hot swapping, no need to shut down during module replacement, ensuring high availability of the system.

    Modular design:

    Plug in module design for easy installation, maintenance, and expansion.

    Flexible configuration options to meet different application requirements.

    Multiple communication interfaces:

    Equipped with multiple communication interfaces, supporting integration with other control systems and devices.

    Compatible with multiple industrial communication protocols, ensuring seamless connection with existing systems.

    Self diagnostic function:

    Equipped with self diagnosis and fault detection functions, capable of quickly identifying and handling faults.

    Provide real-time status monitoring and alarm functions for easy maintenance and troubleshooting.

    application area 

    Process control:

    Used for monitoring and controlling critical processes in process control systems in industries such as petroleum, chemical, and pharmaceutical.

    Provide high reliability control and data processing to ensure the safety and stability of the production process.

    Power generation and energy management:

    Used for key equipment control and monitoring in power plants and energy management systems.

    Ensure the reliable operation and efficient management of power generation equipment.


    Used for the control of critical equipment and systems in transportation systems such as railways, subways, and aviation.

    Provide highly reliable and secure control solutions to ensure the safe operation of the transportation system.

    Manufacturing automation:

    In automated manufacturing systems, it is used for controlling and monitoring equipment and production lines.

    Improve production efficiency and product quality, ensuring the continuity and reliability of the manufacturing process.

    Water treatment and environmental protection:

    Used for key control and data collection in water treatment plants and environmental protection systems.

    Provide reliable monitoring and control to ensure the effective operation of environmental protection systems.

    Technical specifications (example)

    9300 series universal specifications:

    Input voltage range: 24V DC (typical)

    Working temperature: -20 ° C to+60 ° C

    Protection level: IP20 or higher

    Installation method: DIN rail installation or rack installation

    9832 Digital Input Module:

    Number of input channels: 32 channels

    Input voltage: 24V DC

    Input type: Digital input, supporting dry and wet contacts

    Diagnostic function: Supports open circuit detection and short circuit detection

    9802 Digital Output Module:

    Number of output channels: 32 channels

    Output voltage: 24V DC

    Output current: maximum 0.5A per channel

    Output type: Transistor output, supporting overcurrent protection and short circuit protection


    The ICS Triplex 9300 series modules (including 9832 and 9802 digital modules) are an ideal choice for critical tasks and safety systems due to their high reliability, redundant design, modular structure, and powerful diagnostic capabilities. Its extensive application fields and powerful functions make it play a crucial role in multiple industries such as process control, power generation and energy management, transportation, manufacturing automation, and environmental protection systems, ensuring the efficient and safe operation of the system.

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    型号:9300 9832 9802数字量模块








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