HONEYWELL 80363972-150卡件,80363972-150模块
HONEYWELL 80363972-150卡件按住目标火焰按钮,使用火焰强度LED调节扫描仪“aim”以获得最大信号(1个LED最低,8个LED最高)。至少需要3到4个LED。学习模式最初将扫描仪设置为最小增益,并将其调整到正确的水平。
HONEYWELL 80363972-150卡件注意:必须至少完成步骤1和步骤2才能操作扫描仪。一次步骤2“学习/存储目标火焰”完成后,扫描仪将自动设置所有火焰切换阈值。这将适用于单个火焰应用。可选步骤3“学习/存储背景火焰”可用于调整关闭开关阈值,以区分背景火焰
Commissioning the Scanner /Learning the Flame Condition
Step 1 – Enter the pass code
Press both the Target Flame Select and Background Flame Select buttons simultaneously.
Use the up button to drive the LEDs until LED number [5] (pass code) is illuminated (if you pass the
required point use the down button to correct).
Press both the Target Flame Select and Background Flame Select buttons simultaneouslyAim mode sets the scanner to maximum gain.
Keeping the target flame button depressed, use the flame strength LEDs to adjust the scanner “aim” to get
maximum signal (1 LED is the lowest, 8 LEDs are the highest). Look for 3 to 4 LEDs as a minimum.Learn Mode initially sets the scanner to minimum gains and adjusts it up to the correct level.
The Flame Strength should BRIEFLY GO BELOW 6 LEDs. If the LEDs stay at 7 or above, add orifices to
minimize the signal (see page 29). If the signal strength does not drop below 6 LEDs, then decrease the
size of the orifice. This may require some testing to determine the correct size.