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BENTLY 133442-01转速系统输出模块

BENTLY 133442-01转速系统输出模块

IC693PWR321电源模块1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:中文资料:BENTLY 133442-01 转速系统输出模块是一款专为转速计系统设计的高性能模块。以下是关于该模块的详细信息和特点:主要功能:接收和发送与转速计相关的信号,实现数据采集和控制功能。接收来自接近探头或磁性传感器的输入,以确定轴转速、转子加速度或转子方向。与用户可编程的警报设置点进行比较,并在违反设置点时生成警报。技术规格:输入...

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BENTLY 133442-01转速系统输出模块


    1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


    BENTLY 133442-01 转速系统输出模块是一款专为转速计系统设计的高性能模块。以下是关于该模块的详细信息和特点:

    1. 主要功能
      • 接收和发送与转速计相关的信号,实现数据采集和控制功能。
      • 接收来自接近探头或磁性传感器的输入,以确定轴转速、转子加速度或转子方向。
      • 与用户可编程的警报设置点进行比较,并在违反设置点时生成警报。
    2. 技术规格
      • 输入信号范围:+10.0 V 至 -24.0 V
      • 输入阻抗:20 kΩ(标准)、40 kΩ (TMR)、7.15 kΩ(内部势垒)
      • 功耗:5.8 瓦(典型值)
      • 输出阻抗:550 Ω
      • 闪存:6 MB
      • NVRAM:8 KB
      • IOX 处理器:50 MHz
      • 产品尺寸:100mm x 50mm x 20mm
      • 产品重量:1.2kg
    3. 性能特点
      • 多通道输入/输出:支持多个输入和输出通道,可以与多个传感器、执行器或设备进行信号交互。
      • 高精度:具备高精度的信号采集和输出能力,确保数据的准确性和可靠性。
      • 快速响应:具有快速的响应时间,能够迅速处理输入信号并触发相应的输出动作,满足实时控制的需求。
      • 安全可靠:采用安全可靠的设计和保护机制,能够在严苛的工业环境中稳定运行,并保障设备和人员的安全。
    4. 应用领域
      • 工业:用于监测和保护旋转机械设备,预防潜在的故障或损坏。
      • 能源:在电力站、发电机组等能源设施中,监测发电机和其他旋转设备的运行状态。
      • 石油和天然气:在油田和天然气设施中,监测离心压缩机、泵和其他旋转设备。
      • 交通:在交通工具的发动机和其他旋转部件上,用于监测和控制转速。
      • 航空航天:在飞机和航天器上,监测飞机发动机和其他旋转设备。
    5. 编程与配置
      • 使用3500机架配置软件进行编程和配置,支持多种配置选项,如速度监控、设定点警报、速度带警报、零速通知、转子加速度报警和反向旋转通知等。

    综上所述,BENTLY 133442-01 转速系统输出模块是一款功能强大、性能稳定的模块,适用于各种转速计系统的数据采集和控制,广泛应用于工业自动化、能源、石油天然气等领域。

    1. 英文资料

    BENTLY 133442-01 Speed System Output Module is a high-performance module designed specifically for tachometer systems. The following is detailed information and features about this module:

    Main functions:

    Receive and send signals related to the tachometer to achieve data acquisition and control functions.

    Receive inputs from proximity probes or magnetic sensors to determine shaft speed, rotor acceleration, or rotor direction.

    Compare with user programmable alarm set points and generate alerts when set points are violated.

    Technical specifications:

    Input signal range:+10.0 V to -24.0 V

    Input impedance: 20 k Ω (standard), 40 k Ω (TMR), 7.15 k Ω (internal barrier)

    Power consumption: 5.8 watts (typical value)

    Output impedance: 550 Ω

    Flash memory: 6 MB

    NVRAM:8 KB

    IOX processor: 50 MHz

    Product size: 100mm x 50mm x 20mm

    Product weight: 1.2kg

    Performance characteristics:

    Multi channel input/output: Supports multiple input and output channels, allowing for signal interaction with multiple sensors, actuators, or devices.

    High precision: With high-precision signal acquisition and output capabilities, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data.

    Quick response: With fast response time, it can quickly process input signals and trigger corresponding output actions, meeting the needs of real-time control.

    Safe and reliable: Adopting a safe and reliable design and protection mechanism, it can operate stably in harsh industrial environments and ensure the safety of equipment and personnel.

    Application field:

    Industry: Used for monitoring and protecting rotating machinery and equipment, preventing potential malfunctions or damage.

    Energy: Monitoring the operation status of generators and other rotating equipment in energy facilities such as power stations and generator sets.

    Oil and natural gas: Monitoring centrifugal compressors, pumps, and other rotating equipment in oil fields and natural gas facilities.

    Transportation: Used to monitor and control speed on the engine and other rotating components of transportation vehicles.

    Aerospace: Monitoring aircraft engines and other rotating equipment on aircraft and spacecraft.

    Programming and configuration:

    Use 3500 rack configuration software for programming and configuration, supporting multiple configuration options such as speed monitoring, set point alarm, speed band alarm, zero speed notification, rotor acceleration alarm, and reverse rotation notification.

    In summary, BENTLY 133442-01 Speed System Output Module is a powerful and stable module suitable for data acquisition and control of various tachometer systems, widely used in industrial automation, energy, oil and gas and other fields.

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    型号:133442-01 转速系统输出模块








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