GE 350-005567-000 E燃机,电气模块350-005567-000 E
DCS的开发,并取得很好的成绩。由于资金不足和管理混乱,也无奈的基本退出DCS的角逐。STD总线的产品是控制系统的中间产品,90年代初期生产厂家很多,每年在国内达到几亿的销售量(与现在国产的DCS销量相当)。由于最终用户的工作量很大,也正在退出市场。GE 350-005567-000 E
由于政府有关部门的界入,开始有新的单位进入DCS的开发。政府的有关部门无论从资金还是项目都大力支持,所以得到蓬勃发展。如北京和利时、上海新华和浙大中控。他们都有几百套的销量,基本形成规模生产。他们虽然一时还达不到进口的水平,但控制的基本要求还能满足。从系统的结构和I/O板的生产来看,已经有相当高的水平,和国际上的水平已相差不远。如无锡生产的I/O板就很美观。人机界面的软件国内已有开发,如组态王,每年有2000套的销售量,经使用情况也是良好的。电气模块350-005567-000 E
different speeds within the set up and down stroke range, A simple closed-loop control is added to the program, that is, it only needs to write down the value of the encoder at the moment within n milliseconds after the motor stops (this time is specifically tested according to the acceleration and deceleration time of the frequency converter). This value is closest to the real position of the equipment, and then follow the principle of more and less acceleration, so as to realize the rapid stability of the reciprocating machine when the speed fluctuates greatly. 5、 SummaryThe main design points of this project are:
1. The mosbus communication between PLC and frequency converter is half duplex, so it cannot be read and written at the same time, and the program needs to be processed.
2. X-axis spray gun output control.
3. Motion control of y-axis reciprocating machine.
4. Realization of formula and installment payment in terms of touch