本项目DCS系统为和利时生产的HOLLiAS_MACS V6控制系统。该系统支持OPC协议和ModBus协议,可实现与第三方系统连接。
上位机通过和利时自主开发的工业以太网协议HSIE与下位机传递数据。下位机通讯采用Profibus-DP总线,同时支持HART总线。该分散控制系统包含DAS、MCS、SCS、FSSS、DEH、BPS、MEH、ECS等功能。和利时MACS-SM现场控制站集成PROFIBUS-DP现场总线技术,现场标准DP仪表设备由DPY-LINK接入上级DP总线系统,CC-TAOX11底板现场PA仪表设备经由DP/PA LINK接入上级DP总线系统。
3.2 亮点二:项目获大唐集团专家组认可
该项目由大唐集团仿真专家组进行验收,在为期两周的验收过程中,各位专家对于仿真机的正常启停机操作、故障仿真、就地仿真、CCS协调、HONEYWELL CC-TAOX11底板机组参数等各个方面进行了详细的测试,和利时以先进的产品、技术和专业的实施团队赢得专家组的认可,为工软公司仿真业务在火电行业的进一步拓展打下了良好基础。
4. 项目意义:
should be studied.
3) Others, such as the robustness, observability and controllability of fuzzy control system, also need to be further studied and developed.
4) It is necessary to develop computer-aided design of fuzzy system based on analytical theory
Design software
。 In view of the lack of analytical ability of many fuzzy system development software, we are developing a software package that can be used for analytical analysis, design and development of fuzzy system.
In short, the research on the robustness of control systems with the combination of mature and rich classical control theory and fuzzy control is a very active field in the research of modern control theory. The problem of robust control first appeared in the research of differential equations in the last century. Black first applied robust control in a 1927 patent. But what is robustness? In fact, the name is a transliteration, and its English spelling is robust. It means strong and strong.